Thursday, 22 February 2018

Points of View

Points of View ©
Michael Casey

I was thinking about what to talk about today, there is so much sadness and badness in the world it can really overwhelm you. I looked outside and my view of the street was blocked by transit vans, so that gave me an idea. Points of View. My daily view is here overlooking the street, so as people pass I look up from my computer and watch them pass by. That is my physical view, but as people pass I can hear their points of view as they pass by.

A point of view is a good thing, because it informs your choices. I won’t buy this item or that item as it’s made in a sweat shop. So by having a point of view you have an economic power over the maker of whatever it is. Your choice , your point of view puts money in people’s pockets or takes money away from them. So you can make or break a company, people power if you like. Though personally if the coffee was bad I would not buy it, I am practical after all.

A point of view can restrict you too. You always look West so you are ignorant of the East, either politically or you always go down 7th and 5th so you never discover any other part of the town. So a point of view can just be a continuing point of ignorance. You have to try other options on the menu or you will never expand your palette.

The same goes for people and prejudice. I could never date a White bloke, or a Japanese girl, or a tall man, or a fat girl, or a ginger. And on it goes. In my own family we have connections with 4 different nationalities, so you can see from my point of view petty prejudice is just that. It is petty and ignorant. We have always done it that way so we won’t do it another way. I’ll never trust a Pole or an Albanian you may say. But when they come to your home and work their ass off and do a great job for a reasonable price your point of view changes. Then you recommend Poles and Albanians as brothers, because experience trumped prejudice.

A point of view is better that nothing, but it should be updated and you should filter in more experience often. In the end your point of view may not change an inch, but at least you have the benefit of knowledge. Politicians pretend to listen, but getting re-elected is their only point of view. Remember you have the Power, any power given to them is from the people. So if the Politician does not do what should be done, pick your own cause, then kick them out. Politicians are 10 a penny, they are not gods. Power is given from God. 

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