Monday, 5 February 2018

Sounds like a boring old record with needle stuck in the groove but

Sounds like a boring old record with needle stuck in the groove but

its 2am I'm in so much pain I had to get up.

Left shoulder on front of body below shoulder "bone" really hurts and gives

frequent pain stabs.

Like a needle stuck inside me.

In the past I rung 999 (our 911) and one even went into hospital for similar pain

So they found nothing after a chest Xray that time

So I'll ride out the pain.

I'm due a Dr's appointment this week to discuss my stomach scan results+

So  I'll kill 2 birds with one stone while I am there.

Why am  I boring you with this?

Well I'll be up for a few hours, then when I'm falling over I'll go back to bed and sleep.

The position of lying down seems to aid the pain.

3 years since my quadruple heart bypass and now my  arthritis and whatever this pain is

does affect my life. But some days I have no pains at all , then other days I'm in pain.

Its the episodic nature of it that makes it worse.

Its as unpredictable as English weather.

I could file dump all my writing here, just in case the pain kills me off, but that would be so

melodramatic. And I doubt Blogger allows 1600 pieces to be published in one go.

So you can BUY my stuff instead 

And reading it all will be pain enough for all of you, if you like the graveyard humour.

Which reminds me read
by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean
its on Amazon
and no this is no marketing ploy.
I'd delete everything I've ever written if I could delete this pain.
And yes some of you are on your hands and knees praying for that to happen.
That's not nice, its naughty. I'll send Boris and Lech and Gregorgi around to drink all your 
Now go to bed all of you, and make love to your Korean girlfriends.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far