Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Snowflakes Sing, We don't Need no Education

Snowflakes Sing, We don’t Need No Education ©
Michael Casey

Why do you have Education? A starter for 10 for all challenged Universities. We have education to Empower people’s minds so they know More and can do More, for themselves and for Society at large. Now I want all the clever clogs out there to write a 1000 word essay on the subject using my Premise as a starting point. You can agree or intellectually shed my Premise, which sounds a bit kinky to me, but I am just a humble writer. I am not a University student, I’m be barred no doubt for being fat silver haired and wearing shades, or have 14 books to my name on Amazon.

So why do you go to University? To lose your virginity in different city far away from the preying eyes of your mum and your family? To come out as Gay far away from the preying eyes of your mum and family? To change your religion far away from the preying eyes of your family? To give up pretending to follow your religion? Just to believe in Yourself and nobody else, real or imaginary? To find out the real meaning of STD? Your teachers at grammar school said, Stop, Think,Do or STD for short. It was only once at University that the College nurse told you that you had a STD, Sexually Transmitted Disease.

At University you discover the grass is greener, the opportunities are more and greener that your little village in Wales. The grass, the Skunk certainly was greener, or rather stronger and gave you massive headaches. One brand of Skunk a right hemisphere head ache, and another brand a left hemisphere head ache. But at least at University you got plenty of exercise dancing all night thanks to the plentiful supply of E, and other legal highs you can buy online, or down the pub.

Now should any Snowflakes have read this so far they may be shocked, or saying their University was DULL, and wish they had the SO, or Substance Opportunities specified in this piece so far. An it is now that I come to the purpose of this piece.What I want to talk about is the PEACE snowflakes DEMAND at University. Call me a fat silver haired writer in shades, from Bloody Birmingham if you like, but don’t you go to university to DISTURBE the PEACE in your mind and intellect and LET IT GROW,let it blossom, let it grow, as Eric Clapton used to sing when he put the drugs down after rehab all those years ago.

I’m black, don’t use the word white. I’m tall don’t use the word short.I’m a drunk in the gutter, just call my alcoholically challenged. I am looking at the stars, just call me Oscar Wilde. I’m a thief, call me a liberator of consumer societies’ greed. My essay is late,it’s the tutor’s fault. I failed my exams, it’s somebody else’s fault,I may sue the University for my lack of future prospects and earnings potential.

And on it goes, boring the pants off the rest of society. Going to University is not a right. Now 7 times as many go to Uni as it’s called than used to, and still people bitch about the fees. If I had one child I could spoil it, but 7? So Snowflakes cannot do basic Maths. If the demand is 7 times greater how do you pay for it. It is a balance, just as I’m sat here in a big warm coat so I can save putting the heat on till the kids come home. When they come home the heat goes on and my winter coat comes off. So Dear Snowflakes how should Universities be paid for? You can write another 1000 word essay on how to pay for it. And don’t bore me with the old chestnuts, I want real answers.

As Snowflakes read this they hate me, but they should start by hating themselves. They are like the fools blocking Fire Escapes, saying its their right to hang out anywhere they like. Or the murderers who lock fire doors just in case thieves try to break in. And yes 20 years ago I worked somewhere where my life was less important than potential thief, so the fire door was locked and shuttered.

But to my point, a Snowflake is a self appointed Judge Jury and Executioner. Only their Narrow point of view matters. All dissent is shouted down and demonstrated down. You CANNOT is their byword. Old Obama used to say YES we CAN,but Snowflakes say the very opposite. The Snowflake code is as insidious and evil as it is wrong.

At University, yes get drunk, lose your virginity, and abandon Faith if you want. Its up to you, you can do whatever you want to do its up to you, is a line form an old John Denver song. University is a place where your mind meets the universe, and no I’m not talking about LSD, or even Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, which was a line from an old Beatles song.

University is where you are challenged to THINK for yourself, not to be brainwashed by Snowflakes. At University you have a banquet, a buffet of bewildering ideas. You suck and taste all of them, or none of them. You can see if what your Mamma taught you, is right and good. If you don’t like something you can say NO, just say NO as somebody else said. You don’t go to University to put blinkers on, to put a space suit or a deep sea diving suit on. You don’t go to University to follow a strict maze. University is being naked, totally naked in a sea of learning. University is being naked in a snowstorm, then lying down  and making snow angels.

Snowflakes, real snowflakes are for having fun with, for making snowballs with and having fun, laughter and fun and then hot drinks in a warm bath, or in front of the fire in the University bar. If you allow Snowflakes, the pretend ones to dictate what you can and cannot do or see or hear then you are not in a place of learning but in a concentration camp of the mind. Even Prisoners waiting for execution have their free imagination, they can fly to high heaven before they die. But if Snowflakes are allowed to get their way all students everywhere are not free men, they are just a number.  

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