Sunday, 3 December 2017

In this time of pain

In this Time of Pain (c)
Michael Casey

In this Time of Pain oh how good it would be to be innocent again.
In this Time of Pain how good it would be to Love thy Neighbour again.
In this Time of Pain how good it would be to put the Genie back in the Bottle.
In this Time of Pain how good it would be to be Free again and not Slaves.
In this Time of Pain how good it would be to hold hands and walk in a Meadow.
In this Time of Pain how good it would be to Stop the Goose stepping and just Dance.
In this Time of Pain how good it would be to have Enough Food in Our Bellies.
In this Time of pain how good it would for one Family to be reunited in Peace.
In this Time of Pain why are we led by a Clown building bombs and not Communities.
In this Time of Pain when we are already Dead why don’t we rise up and Save our Souls.
In this Time of Pain why should one man ruin our Future, our Nation, our very World.
It is Better to Die a Free Man than a Slave.
So North Korea, now is the Time to Save Your Land.
Or does this mean Birmingham will be Nuked Fist?
For Evil to Prosper all is needed is for Good Men to do Nothing.
You are all invited to Dance, to Resurrect you Country, and Easter is a good time for that.

now Christmas approaches when will the terror end and the love begin again?

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far