Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Preparing the dead

Preparing The Dead ©
By Michael Casey

Life is for living but what of the next life? Are you ready for what happens next, assuming you have a Faith, or had any Hope or Charity in your life. It’s the Hope and the Charity perhaps more than any Faith that’ll make the difference. Who so ever you did it to the least of my brethren, you did it to me so it speaks in the Bible. I’m sure other Faiths have great words and beliefs that cover such things. But what of the Undertaker, when he performs the last services for the body, for all our bodies what about him?

In The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker my first book, it’s a comedy drama by the way, we meet Percy Frost the Undertaker and Poet, though for him Poet and Undertaker might be the correct order. So let’s listen in as he goes about his work, his vocation, as generations of Frosts before him have done so.

From the paperwork you are a Christian, so I’ll say the Lord’s Prayer before I begin, or should I say the Our Father as it says Catholic. Now if you are settled I will begin. I have to remove all remaining clothing and clean your body, but you will remember when you came into this world the Midwife did the honours, now it’s me the Undertaker who’ll give you’re the final wash. I’ll avert my eyes so no need to be embarrassed, see that’s much better, you want to smell tour best when you meet the angels.

The family has provided a suit to dress you in, and a nice pair of slippers too, so you won’t make any noise in Heaven as you walk about in the beautiful garden. That’s where the Garden of Eden is, but this time you can eat as many apples as you like, just save a nice apple for me for when it’s my time to get there.

Now you look so nice now, I’ll just comb your hair and put a bit of blusher on your cheeks and a touch of lipstick. People get frightened if you look too pale. I’ll just call my son to help pop you in your coffin then we can put you in the chapel of rest so your family can come and say their final farewells. I’ll have the Christian symbols placed next to the coffin too. See there’s nothing to be scared of, and when all the family has said their goodbyes I’ll put the coffin lid on. Everything will be just fine, then tomorrow will be the funeral and then we’ll place you in your grave next to your old dead mum and dad, see everything will be nice and you’ll soon be having a cup of tea in Paradise.

Percy Frost is of course a professional, but more importantly than that he is a Poet and a man of Faith. As he prepares bodies for their eternal rest he knows he is privileged to be allowed to do such an honour. He is prepping souls for their audition with Almighty God himself.

So Percy honours them whatever Faith they are, he says the prayers for each of the Faiths with such dignity and grace as he prepares their mortal remains. All Faiths and none are greeted by this Concierge of the Graveyard, making them relax as her prepares them for the final joy of entering into the Kingdom of Heaven.

Once there was a body released from the Council Morgue and Percy had  promised her a great send off after having spent six months in the cold. It became a Jazz Funeral, you can read all about it in The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker. Percy’s spirit is based on a real undertaker we know and I feel all Undertakers do at heart follow in his footsteps.

If you doubt what I say then all I’ll say is that you’ll know if I’m right or wrong when you get the invite to The Kingdom of Heaven at your own Funeral.

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