Saturday, 2 December 2017

I'm off to bed in a second but please continue to read all my stuff on my sites

I'm off to bed in a second but please continue  to read all my stuff on my sites.

I'm glad you all seem to be liking the Spanish translations, thank Google
Though I can speak a little Spanish, so thank my Grammar school.
French too so thank Mr Notzing R.I.P.    is where you can all buy my books.
I am all over the Internet but nobody buys the books  cos they read my stuff on my sites and then don't bother to buy a book.
So I stay poor.
But at least I'm still alive, 3 years since my unplanned quadruple heart bypass.
I gave myself 10 more years after it, so if I''m right and I hope I'm wrong I'll get 7 more. My daughter reckons I'll live till I'm 85, but only because I buy her chocolate bars. The arthritis pain is unbelievable at times, thank  God for Movelat pain killer gel for my frozen shoulder and hips etc. Kidney problems mean sometimes it feels as if I live in the toilet.
That's why I choose to write comedy mainly,because IF I or anybody else lets any physical or even mental pain get the better of them , then you may as well be dead already. So you have to fight with POSITIVITY and HUMOUR even if you meet negative people along the way, as I did today.

I'm not saying I hide my tears with a CLOWN's face mask, but I am saying think deeper when you read my stuff, never take it on face value. And if you only buy one book then buy Altogether Now as its the best value if you are poor.

A very big thank you to Poland and Ukraine who seem to have adopted me judging by the viewing figures. My Blogger profile seems to have disappeared from a google search tonight, which makes me laugh, if you saw my  profile you would think I was Santa Claus immediately, but you know that already if you've read Christmas was Cold on this site.

I was watching a Korean soap on Netflix tonight, it was funny and charming, about a girl who falls in love with a blind boy. If only North Korea could just watch all these soaps, maybe they'd wash away Kim and start over as a free and happy nation. Then we'd all have a Merry Christmas and not a Nuclear one.

But as my mum used to say God is Good, and
as my dad used to say When God Made Time He Made Plenty of IT.

So the clock says its Midnight and 5 minutes.
So Its time for bed.
In the Korean soap tonight the lovers had a magic camera that could turn back time. The blind boy used it to save his girls life.
So perhaps God can do something remarkable for North Korea too.

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far