Sunday, 3 December 2017

Calling Poland and Ukraine help me invade Russia with my writing

I had to go to bed after writing Shattered as I was shattered, chest pain, where the chest was cut open for the heart bypass it is still very sore even after 3 years and sometimes it hurts etc.

Now to the point thanks all the Polish readers and their Ukrainian cousins.
I don't know why you all like my stuff, is your satelite tv broken?
Are you are learning English?
Is it a punishment from your mum?
Did your priest set it as a penance?
Whatever reason you are reading my rubbish.
Now I'd like to invade Russia next with my words.
So can you hack the Kremlin and redirect their traffic to this site?
Or just send a drone over the forest with a note saying go to this site.
and buy my books here.

It would look so good on the traffic map, I would be conquering the world just like Napoleon tried to do.
So email, drone or hack those Russians and tell them to read my comedy writing.
North Korea could do with some cheering up too, so spread the word to them too.
By they way Google, this is comedy writing, so obviously I'm joking about doing anything illegal. Mind you in some countries prayer is illegal, God Help Us.
What's that song, Get Here, if we can get folks to read my words.

I need to go back to bed soon. Prayers for my Health are much more useful.
So stay Healthy Lav and Boris and Lech and don't break too many beds, enough said.

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far