Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Glad you all stopped by this year 2017

It was great you all stopped to read my stuff this year.


but maybe you'll tell your friends in the Media and I'll finally earn a few pennies.  to hear me read a few of my stories.

This year my big daughter passed her exams and is now studying hard with a view of getting into Medical School in 2019.

My  other daughter still amuses us and Totoro our cat goes out all night doing God alone knows what.

Me I'm still enduring 50 Shades of Pain from my Arthritis and post quadruple heart bypass pain.

My kidneys are not too hot either

Other than that I'm really pleased with the writing, I've written over 83,000 words in 15 Down. when I reach 100,000 then I'll launch it as  my 15th book in Amazon, 15 Down.
My tally is 1,222,924 words now according to word count.
30 years of writing after 20 years of listening to BBC Radio4 . 50 years of my life gone.

I don't think I'll reach the 3 score and 10 that the Bible used to say, but so long as I can write despite the random painful attacks of pain, I'll do my best to keep on writing. Though its murder at time with all the pain. Lying down can sometimes bring on pain too. I do have good days and even weeks but pain is a persistent part of my life now. One of my daughters has even forgot when I was not in pain and screaming for the pain killers. If I took stronger stuff I'd be an addict, SO I DON'T TAKE THAT KIND. Life is a compromise and I want to keep my brain.

That's  the end of my Papal message for this year, so God Bless you all, starting in Poland and Ukraine and then they world over.

Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England

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A day of Infamy

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far