Friday, 22 December 2017

Donald Trump Alcohol and Me

Donald Trump, Alcohol and Me (c)
Michael Casey

What do Donald and Me have in common, nothing. I am a liberal with a small l, I think for myself and would never join anything. As Groucho Marx said any club that would have me as a member isn't worth joinng.

Alcohol is nice, it's relaxing. I've never been much of a drinker and nowadays I probably drink 12 pints a day, sorry 12 pints a YEAR.

I grew up watching our Alcoholic lodgers pissing their lives up a wall. If you see that at close hand you will never be a drinker. Wednesday May 23rd 1979 was a day I'll never forget. One of our lodgers died. I had just got  out of bed as I was on the night shift when Mary Madden, Andy's wife came knocking on the back door. Something was wrong with Andy her husband. He was having a heart attack.

So I pumped his chest, threw the furniture out of the way, then ran up the entry to bang on a neighbour's door. They had a phone, they were the Dixons. One son became a Policeman, a Sgt. Dixon just like in the tv series. But at that moment I just shouted at Mr Dixon to call for an ambulance.

Then I went back to the living room and pumped some more, I could hear a groaning. Then I had to run though the house opening up the doors so the ambulance people could come in. They had the mask and ball pump  thing. But Andy was dead. It was then , and only then that I cried.

I watched as they loaded Andy up and took away his body. Then I had to take Mary to our house I think, to calm her down. My brother arrived home, I told him what had happened. Then I met my mother in the street and told her too.

Mary Madden slept on our front room sofa that night, as she did not want to stop in the flat she rented from us next door.

I was 20, not yet 21 when this happened. Not a nice thing to witness and be part of at such an age. Though worse things have  happened before and after that event. But those are other stories.

Andy was buried a week or so later, the Irish club took up a collection and buried him. he had had 3 or four heart attacks prior to the fatal one on the living room floor over the pallin from our house. His wife did not want to stay so left us and went to live somewhere else.

Andy was harmless and loved his cat, they had had no children. Mary had been a cleaner down the hospital. I think I saw her once again 10 years later in the street, but that's another story too which has just flashed into my mind. Like I said I have total recall for stories, even the ones I wish I could forget.

The moral of the story, Be Prepared, learn CPR, which I did 22years later while working at CPNEC Birmingham. Though Be ready for tears, as 9 out of 10 CPR patients die I read somewhere. My own dad had his heart attack in 1996, but he survived because of my brother's CPR skills, and Almighty God Himself did intervene, you can read it in Padre Pio and Me  which can be found on the Internet.

Now as for Andy Madden, he was harmless, a lot of Alcoholics are. But a life is wasted if you don't know when to stop. Another of our lodgers went to visit dad, and what did the drunk demand? Have you got  a pound for a pint? And my dad was lying in his hospital bed. Having just beaten Death itself, dad was 12 weeks in hospital he was that bad. This former lodger can still be seen 20 years later drinking, when he should just sign the Pledge. Or join the AA.

With this background to Alcohol you can see why I think self control is always the best path. and if you cannot control yourself then just give it up.

I'll finish with God's Irony, I spent 21 years working for ACNielsen as it became and what did we do? We did Market Research into Alcohol Sales. Great People, and all enjoyed their Beer. But they all worked very hard.

So enjoy a drink this Christmas, make sure you make love to somebody you love, not just somebody who looks good through the Lens of an Alcoholic Drink. Obviously It won't be me, I don't look good, Alcohol or No Alcohol required.

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