Monday, 20 November 2023

This is what Tinnitus feels like

This is what Tinnitus feels like

my daughter vacuumed the house

and the noise triggered me

the hiss so loud like a jet engine in my face

the pain in my forehead makes me bow my head

right down till my chin hits my chest

the noise is like being in hell and it swells

you want to scream and I may do in a bit

and yes i might even convulse like an epileptic fit

so i push myself away from the keyboard on the desk

just in case i convulse and bang my head

my head was just pushed down to my chin

like bully leaning down down me

and the infernal hiss

like walking into a  blast furnace

and how many hours will this go on for

and can I last it out


no orange peels

so If I say Tinnitus is a curse

believe it

and it is far far worse

Barometric Pressure is what I have

can anybody Fix It

or is it Souls Burning in Hell

Screaming Mercy to Me

So say a prayer for all those in Purgatory

and Say One for Me as Well

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