Wednesday, 22 November 2023

Afternoon all. 22/nov/2023

 4568 post here

Afternoon all

the cat has pulled the drawer out from under the bed and climbed in

this is her self taught quiet space

she'll emerge when hungry later on

she also taught herself to pooh in the bath or shower

she is a clever pussy

normally she asks to be let out or escapes via a window

but she knows there is water to wash away her messages


the budget is on, or whatever they are calling it

I still think Ricki will lose

but i'm more concerned that TRUMP should go to Jail

I also agree Trump is getting haggered

If you lose weight you get wrinkly

like a deflated balloon

and people who lose a lot of weight are such bores

If I wasn't in such pain, of course I'd walk more

I can do stuff for 5 mins and look all hunky

but then my hernia in the middle of my chest 

stabs back at me, etc

Converts are such bores too

while I'm on the subject of  how to bore me

they are so born again, in the wrong way

and yes it's always a WHO not a WHAT

that leads the path to Faith, or any other thing

I've never had any Mentors and Heroes are an American invention

I've stumbled into things

Try and Force me, and I go the opposite way

So my stumble ideas, take them any way you like

Listen to BBC Radio4 constantly, though nowadays I read from the PC

Be nosey, talk to everybody, ask questions

Or just keep Ears and Eyes open

In the street do not be plugged in, 

an quiet Electric car will come and kill you

there's so much to learn if you get out of your bubble

Try foreign films with subtitles

you get 10 times your subscription free if you do

Watch Later with Jools Holland

the amount of variety in one music show 

will change you life


Ok just curse at God

He gets lonely with nobody bothering to talk to him

You'll feel so much better if you let it all out

Don't  assume there in just one path 

there are many, but they all lead home

so respect others' ways

or at least try not to laugh too much at them

The Guru millionaires who con people

with New Religion in Mega Churches that Worship Money

And yes TRUMP believes in Nothing or Nobody

Except the Love of Money

But I digress

Living Years by Mike and The Mechanics just started on my music

SO LOVE YOUR FAMILY, it's not cool to pretend you hate them

and the over the top kind of love is too American

the quiet Nordic one, may be closer to my heart

but I did visit every single day for 3 years in the old people's home

go read Padre Pio and Me for detail

i'm drifting off topic maybe

but writing is a circle so in the end I'll 

land on the right spot

by the way sat here in the window with red coat on

and my silver or is it white hair I must look like Santa


for all the Neighbours

Some had no Sense of Humour and still avoid me

But if they have NO SENSE OF HUMOUR

they are boring

so yes, avoid Bores like the Plague

and if they are not on your wavelength

it's their loss

Same goes for the writing 

I write what comes out

I am not a machine, I don't pander to my audience

What I write is Written INRI

and all that

so like it or leave it

There are THOUSANDS of pieces of writing

another one may amuse

Like Ken Dodd but no broken teeth on acid

that's a description, Go Google him

So I'll finish now, the paracetamol have not worked

and I'll need to slap on Neem or Hemp cream


stay true to yourself

and if you make friends so much better


this has been a Bullet Point Thing

so won't appear in my books as I compile them


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