Tuesday, 14 November 2023

my tinnitus is dangerous today

my tinnitus is dangerous today

it seems to be getting worse too

maybe like the writing I can hear you all say

I'm listening to JT at the moment

in the vain hope he distracts my brain from the pain

yes, pain, at the levels I have, Tinnitus causes pain

and it forces me chin down to my chest

maybe i'll convulse a bit later on

yes really, I was in hospital for 3 days 

was it a year ago, but nothing fixed

at least I got my hearing back finally 

the hearing girl at the clinic was

a really nice Indian girl

and the hearing clinic was just beside

the STD disease clinic

I knew it could may you go blind

but deaf as well

I had to slap on NEEM and HEMP

on my shoulder as the pain was too much to type

now I'm waiting for a parcel to come

my daughter at University ordered something

for her Law student friend, a pretty Indian girl

an Indian delivery boy will deliver it

should I introduce them to each other

Matchmaker Michael Maybe

I said hello to a passing childminder with red hair

she had 3 kids with her today, so I said my mother had 6

and a cat and a dog, and 5 to 8 lodgers too

That was my childhood

as I talk to you the Tinnitus is unbearable

so you are all distraction therapy

i'd rather have some body to distract me

the pain from my shoulder has just kicked in again

so i type with one hand only

i raise the volume on JT, but certain tones trigger me

so i have to be careful

true, i'm not making this up


and I've spotted Singapore reading me again, so thanks

after the Summer Binge maybe you had enough

and USA, White House maybe, thank you too

I annoy the Russians on a daily basis, and copy it to you

Everybody has email, so annoy everybody

as  a footballer I know can testify, private joke that

that's enough for now

the pain and noise is too much

and yes I can hear you all say

thank god, he's shutting up

you are all so cruel

maybe I should get a job in Ricky's Cabinet instead

picture is by my artist daughter , BSc is Bio Chemisty and prettier than any model too

she must get her looks from me

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