Wednesday, 8 November 2023

Angry Bear

Angry Bear

so much Tinnitus noise today

I thought I'd fall over

then I wasted 45mins on a Phone Call to a Call Centre

In the end WAIT was the answer

If their Documentation was TRUE and ACCURATE

then I wouldn't be wasting my time in my Pain and Noise time

On CUE my Hernia just stabbed me and I screamed

Time for more Neem

I tell my kids to enjoy me and that I won't last till Christmas

Yes the Pain and Noise is as bad as that

but I'm still here

The Pain and NOise is as well

It's like I'm in Hell and I hear the sounds of burning

Maybe I deserve it, If you believe God is a Sadist

or maybe I'm a  sword being forged

anyway it hurts like Hell

and why isn't Trump and Putin there yet?


some of Today's readers on Wordpress

so as nobody pays me for my words a Prayer or Two, 

would be appreciated, to make my pains and noise

go away

windows for me means the time slots of normality I have before the Iron curtains of pain

I'd rather be writing funny stuff, and if I had that speed typist I could rattle stories off before

the pain gets to me, or the Tsunami of noise

So that's all for today

and no, the carpet is just a carpet, no LGBT affiliations, LGBT people would have far better tastes in 

rugs and as for my Words, they wouldn't be seen dead reading me

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