Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England
Finest Hour

My Favorite Year
1982 ‧ Comedy/Drama ‧ 1h 32m
I was thinking through the noise of Tinnitus, and it really is horrendous
What is my finest hour
I hope it’s yet to come
a painting slipped off the shelf twice yesterday, I said somebody must have died
Today on the auto photo thing, a memorial booklet for a singer
he died a year ago, it was his funeral
he sung in 2 choirs, with my kids, and in another choir with my sister
then I discovered that the Choir leader was dead a year too
So maybe they are looking down on us
They both were truly great people, they watched my daughters grow up
And the Lady, and she was a Lady, she taught my girls piano too
Greatest hours, maybe every second of every day, so cherish all of them
Because one day will be your last
But in the meantime, in the darkest hour
Remember this you are always loved
And Dawn will come
Ukraine will be free too, and Putin will burn
So keep on smiling whatever your tears
and no matter how loud the noise
what did Wordsworth say
Read Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham
No, but I have hopes
So all of you wherever you read my words
Sing to the Heavens, for to sing is to doubly praise
And like I said at the beginning
I have 2 friends singing in Heaven
And so do you

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