Wednesday, 5 October 2022

Vietnam why do you read me, for fun, or is it the tedium on the morning shift? I'm so Ugly have a Look

Vietnam why do you read me, for fun, or is it the tedium on the morning shift

Thank you anyway

You are always welcome

and very beautiful too

we even have Prof Van Tam, thanks to you

So I hope my words make you laugh

and on my Wordpress there is the Vietnamese Translation

The whole world where there is Electricity reads me

I just wish Putin in his bunker STOPS

We need to save the Earth and not be fighting one another

Vietnam should be producing more Van Tams

And If I'm allowed to say

If ever an Vietnamese girl arrived at my door

I'd invite her in to Speed Type for me

Though some idiot an hour ago knocked the door

and I swore, really swore at him, because I needed pain killers

Tinnitus wears you out

And then PAIN on top is not appealing

And the noise in my head goes through the ceiling

and back and shoulder pain on top, with pain killer smell

up your nose

Life is not fun

That's why my Production Rate has slowed down

With Putin being so Evil, I find it hard to be funny

with his death all around

So now you know

BUT Waikiki my latest Kdrama is the one that makes my laugh

the most ever

Ever though it's simple and slap stick, and not as slick as all the rest

But I do laugh like a Drain, even if my head is screaming and pain through the ceiling

At least Waikiki makes me laugh like the old Carry On films here in UK

So try Waikiki for yourself

Or on the other hand, hope one day a Vietnamese girl

knocks your door and can speed type

maybe a Vietnam millionairess will track me down

and say I'm Miss Saigon

can we Carry On

ok, a corny ending, what do you expect for free

egg fried rice, 

But seriously Vietnam 


if you email

I'll email back a book


Is your name Clarisa and work for the FBI

and are on Holiday in Vietnam

Ok, please yourself

I'm too random for you

Here's a few snaps of me, and yes I write

all this rubbish myself

In between praying for SILENCE

in my Head and an end to PAIN

and watching Politics on TV and Internet

So that's your lot

Make Love not War

Today is Teachers day apparently 

So each baby is more Employment

for my Family of Teachers

and BAD EDUCATION on the BBC is very funny too

Maybe I should be a TV guide instead

Ok, That's enough, have to talk to my Student Daughters

Does Education ever end


a bit like Prayer, but only God knows the real Results

Philosophy Too

Vietnam I love you

I'm so Ugly have a Look

cannot get rid of either of these two

Peace is what we need, Rosary from Vietnam and Everywhere to Surround Putin 

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Missed a day 9/3/25

 The tinnitus was so bad I got up and had breakfast and then hid in bed with Tinnitus for company Then finally after a few slots of sleep I ...