Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England
Evil has a Name:- Putin
Evil has a Name:- Putin I had a good day today, but this evening the Pain descended
So I’m gasping to breath through the Pain
And the noise and Pain in my Head makes me almost wish I was dead
Do I have an Insane man Putin, sending missiles in the sky to destroy my house
So I have my shopping. centre targeted
Is everything needed, slashed and burnt by fire from the Sky
DO I have to hide underground as the missiles fly
Meanwhile in Russia, apathy from the people
Those that have not run away
Why oh Why do Russians run away
Ukraine is NOT the enemy
The enemy is within PUTIN
I pray the Rosary and beg Mary, to end Putin’s War
But CHANGE has to come from within
Why oh WHy was Sin let in
Why oh Why did you let Putin steal your soul
Evil entered Russia when Faith was banned
Now pretend faith rules the land in Golden Palaces
of new churches, built for votes not Faith
Love thy neighbour Jesus said
But now, in Russia Faith is DEAD
Faith has to be restored
And people have to Change
Before Putin brings down all of Russia
and all is let would be Radioactive Rubble
So Russians NOW is the time to Revolt
And have a Revolution of Real Faith
Faith Hope and Charity
And Loving your Neighbour as Thyself
Or have Russians all become Serfs
The only way out is for Putin to be gone
and a new beginning for Russia
What has been really achieved these past 80 years
Corruption Corruption and more Corruption
And Russia has become the new Nazi party
Death Death and more Death everywhere
Lies on TV from Pundits with Villas in Italy
Russians you beat Hitler and lost 40,000,000 souls
So why have you become what you hated and reviled
YOU have just trades places
Look to what you have done in Ukraine your cousin
And for what, Putin’s corrupt Ambition
Change Russia Change
Look to Jesus, Mary and Joseph
Or do you prefer radiation and death
300 years before 1/2 life for safety
Russia grow up, and throw off the chains of
Ignorance and Fear
It’s time to remove the Cancer within Putin
Let There be Light
Let There Be Light ©
By Michael Casey
Let my tears be my words
Let the candle light be my eyes
Let the flowers in bloom be my lips
Let their scent be my blood
Let the wind be my breath
Let clouds be my mood
Let children’s laughter be my hope
Let widows’ sighs be my conscience
Let a stranger’s prayers be my delight
Let the bees be my wisdom
Let the trees be my strength
Let my patience reach to the stars
Let me be always remembered in your prayers

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