Tuesday, 8 September 2020

I look so sweet, so don't cough all over me + A POST FROM 4 YEARS AGO

me looking like a banana spilt sweet

me a chef, I cooked this frozen Iceland Lasangna like I did in the photo years ago

maybe a new story tomorrow, nearly reached 3000 items on this  site, 2000 must be staight stories
Cyber War 2016 The Year Politics Caught Up ©
By Michael Casey

Well we just had a pollution explosion in the living room so I’ve opened the window and am hiding in the other room. This will be my last piece of 2016, I wasn’t expecting to write any more today but here is the last piece of 2016, as I recover. Now to me or anybody who watches any science fiction it really is bleeding obvious that technology is the way forward. So if you attack your enemy’s sewage plants for example then not only does it cause a very big stink it also bring disease to your enemy.

And you can see but not smell the reason this came to mind, add electricity and gas to the mix and folks are on their knees. Its a bit of a laugh for an hour or two, you just go to bed. Then in 9 months there may be a baby boom, but if the disruption is longer than a night of passion then you have problems, big problems. You can add traffic lights and air traffic control too, then hey presto an advanced civilisation is at the same level as a 3rd world county.

I wrote a piece about this somewhere in the last 900 stories, so if you find it you’ll have read about Bruce Willis in his films. The USA 2016 Election was a mess, without all the hacking. A weak candidate thought women would vote for her because she had a vagina , I’m paraphrasing Susan Sarendon here. The hacks revealed that the Democratic Party did not want a cranky old Jewish guy as the candidate so they colluded to give it to Hillary. That basically is the truth of it, even though the younger Hippier base of the party did want the old Jewish guy. Because he sounded like an old uncle who loved them.

Now if it wasn’t Hillary’s turn then nothing would have happened. Instead we had the daily drip drip drip of news. All because somebody should have said this is FAKE, instead of confusing legit and illegitimate, when asked about an email from gmail. IF the person said this is FAKE, then Pedesta would not have changed his password which led to an open door for the hacker.

Personally I wanted Bloomberg to be a White Knight candidate and save USA from itself, sadly he did not run. On the other side everybody in the Republican Party was playing by the Marquis of Queensbury Rules, all except Donald Trump. That in itself will be a book and a half Dr Tim Stanley who writes for the Daily Telegraph is no doubt writing it right now, if not I suggest you get him to do so. You should have had a Lenny Bruce attitude to Donald Trump, then you have had a different candidate. BUT Donald did win the Electoral Vote, when folks realise you cannot turn back the tide, not even he is King Canute, then his problems will begin.

Now as for Hillary, he lax attitude to security were a millstone around her neck, and a hack just waiting to happen. She had too much baggage, she decided NOT to divorce Bill all those years ago, hopefully there was no deal then that she would run for president and he’d support her. I hope the I love Chelsea more than than I want to castrate you won.
Otherwise Machiavelli was alive and well in DC, which is very sad indeed. Though it did fail if she thought people would vote just because of her gender, I don’t need to use the V word any more.

We all use computers and we all know they go wrong and passwords should be kept a secret and you never believe anything in an email from any stray source. IF Pedesca’s team were fooled by a basic email con then frankly I would not ant them to be in charge of my allotment never mind the country.

Now its obvious Trump will deny the Russians swung the election for him, but he can’t contradict all 17 intelligence agencies. In the end it will come back and bite him on the bum.
So he needs to stop being a wise guy and be humble. The wisest part of his new job is knowing how to listen. Listen to everybody even the janitor, and then when you have every piece of information you act fast and decisively. So Help You God.

That’s it really, protect infrastructure, bury it physically and electronically, it should not be protected by just one firewall. In Colditz the hardest Nazi prison there was a big secure gate, with security galore, and right besides it as little unused garden gate. So which gate did one enterprising British prisoner use? Think outside the box Donald, how may clubs in your golf bag? Use them all and even switch hands and change golfing glove, then you will be a wise and wonderful President, who deserves the title, it wasn’t just your turn, you proved yourself. 


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