Wednesday, 9 September 2020

Feeling Guilty


Feeling Guilty ©

By Michael Casey


Now is Guilt a Religious concept? Let’s throw you right in the deep end, and as ever a memory comes back. I remember “rubbish” if only I could have remembered “quality” stuff maybe I’d have had a less strenuous life, less carrying stuff. Now  I’m using my brain, despite what you think, and I’m sat here annoying you all, whereas all my working life I was carrying stuff, go read my About Me, wherever I’ve dumped it. Like heavy paper or suitcases. And yes the Mental is more tiring than the Physical, you can debate that in a Socially Distanced way. And yes don’t kill Grannie, me for that matter, as I’m a high risk person, and I’m not saying steer away from such a low life as me. I  know you’re thinking it, so I say it first, if there is a smarty pants in the room, it’s always me. Though having seen my braces and trousers you may all be thinking I’d belong in a Russian Circus, but they would not have me. You are all so cruel, you feel Guilty about Nothing, just keep on upsetting me.


But back to Guilt. To know Guilt you must have a value system or actually know you were doing something wrong. You are free to roam everywhere in the garden, but do not eat the fruit from the tree. But the serpent tempted Eve and she ate the apple, and they knew they were naked and fashioned loin clothes from leaves. Then God appeared and asked how did they know they were naked. I remember this passage well because Carmel in primary school had to read it out, I was given the other passage to read, it was in a school Mass, over 50 years ago. Appropriately  enough Carmel went on to become a Midwife, then a mother of six, just as my own mother was a mother of six, I am 5 of 6 in Borg designations.

Which brings us to the point, why do we feel guilty and does guilt have a purpose? With Guilt we have a barrier, a way of protecting the Order of things. That way we don’t have unwanted pregnancies, or so goes the theory, because like Adam and Eve we feel strange when we are naked. It’s not normal, so we naturally cover up. Except if we are a Kardasian, then we show everything, and in the media everybody shows everything, and it ends in pornography. And what is more obscene, I’ll ask you a film quiz question. No, not what you are thinking. When I saw Apocalypse Now, in one scene somebody wrote “*&^%”  on a missile about to be used on the Vietcong. The airman was put on a charge for writing such a word, but what is more obscene, I discussed with Janine, a word written, or the missile that’ll kill.


So fast forward to today, when somebody demands a Nobel Prize,  when really HE has been an Arms Dealer, yet blames his Top Brass, something to make you think about. Should we feel guilt about anything. Regrets I have a few, but I took the blows and did it my way, as Sinatra sung. The Vietnamese are now a labour on demand, dollar loving economy that  the Chinese love as their own labour source is not big enough.


But back to guilt, what is the reason for guilt. It is a way of protecting us from ourselves. If we know right and wrong, and they are taught, then Society is more well balanced, and the survival of the fittest does not Trump everything, as some would prefer. If  we know what is right and wrong we don’t steal from Grannie’s purse, nor climb through windows and eat pies, as I confessed to my thieving past when I was 5 or so. But our lodger got the best of the deal, because though he has no family I am still praying for his Soul, as he was like an uncle to me, 40 years since his death he still is remembered.


Some people could not be honest even if you paid them, is what my own dad used to say, pick your own Celebrities or Politicians from the news, they have no sense of guilt or shame. However if you have 3 kids and no regular man, what are you to do? Will laws stand in your way of feeding your kids, is what you are forced to do so terrible that you have no sense of guilt, just a sense of duty to your kids. Sounds like a song from Dolly Parton, or other County and Western stars, what was it Lucile Don’t Take your Love to town, though I’m more of a John Denver lover. Life can be really tough, and who are we to judge as somebody once said, and if  you are without sin cast the first stone. Then there are the Jesus he Knows Me Brigade, who fleece the stupid and drive around in fancy cars to their Mega churches. But when the winds blow refuse to accommodate the folks without homes, they are Guilty of Avarice, and Bastardising the meaning of Charity. It’s all hot air to make money, and they are the Guilty, while the meek are left in squalor.


Yes, you can see, I despite  all those who think Religion and Charity is a business model, those who have no sense of Guilt. The I did More for people, when in actual fact, they were not a Good Samaritan, they have no faith, no hope, no charity, just Love of Money, which as we all know is the root to all evil. I respect those who are honest about their lack of honesty, the how else can I pass without  cheating people, and I’ve met those kind of people too.


But the sitting on the neck of opportunity people, they should all be voted out. So don’t feel any Guilt when you get off the couch and vote every last one out. For as my dad would say, that would be the Will of God.






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