Wednesday, 2 September 2020

from Vietnam via UAE to Peru

from Vietnam via UAE to Peru

that's you lot today reading me

Hope you liked yesterday's tale

I do have a connection with Peru

San Martin de Porres  is my Confirmation name

and ethic Chinese from Vietnam ran our local Takeaway, Louise was her name

So I hope you are all happy today

and hello to UAE too, I'll accept readers from anywhere

I may write something new later on

I'm not pushing myself as much lately

Post 3000 will soon arrive on this site

Only the stories go into the books when I compile them

this would not appear

I'm listening to Celine Dion's Courage album as I talk to you

So be strong  in your Life and love your family

The world really does need lots of Love right now

Maybe from Peru to Vietnam a Rosary should be started

Rosary Infinity.

Not forgetting other Faiths, Pray for end to Covid

and some Sanity in our Political classes

We don't need arms races, just clean water and medicines

this is what Trump should have said 4 years ago, and maybe Biden will say  soon

Now is the Time ©

By Michael Casey

Now is the Time
Now is the Time to set aside our past
Now is the Time to forget who came last
Now is the Time to forget our woes and dance towards our Future
Now is the Time to Remember We are best when we Invest
Now is the Time to Invest in each other sister and brother
Now is the Time for Hope and to get off the ropes
Now is the Time to Forgive one another for we are sister and brother
Now is the Time to Dream our dreams together
Now is the Time to Laugh and Sing and Dance
Now is the Time to Dare to Better than we ever hoped
Now is the Time to Rope a Dope any difficulties and rebuild our cities
Now is the Time to plan the route ahead to be positive and strong
Now is the Time to have Confidence that nothing will go wrong
Now is the Time to reach out to Sister and Brother and our Mothers
Now is the Time for the family that is the United States of America
For WE are family, the red, the white and the blue and stars too
Let us bring our shared Future into view
Let us not allow anything to dampen our Hopes no matter who won our votes
For it is only together that we can once again reach for the stars
Our aspirations show the world who we are
All our hopes and dreams unite this United States of America
Together we will sing together and wing our way back to the stars
Back to the Stars which prove we are one United States of America
Sing America Sing and Fear Not what the Future might bring
For we are family the family United, United States of America

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