Sunday, 13 May 2018

Things I Watch on Tv

Things I Watch on TV ©
Michael Casey

Brooklyn Nine-Nine has been saved and will now be on NBC, I just read it in the newspapers, so it gave me an idea to talk about. If you have not heard of it then, there are bits on Utube. I’ve seen several episodes and we think its very funny in our house. The straight faced gay captain/boss actually reminds me of a friend of mine. So self controlled and rules orientated, very Spock like. Though my friend isn’t gay, though he might say it’s illogical to talk about sexuality, not unless he was hitting on me.

Then there would be a serious discussion as I ran away, I am just boringly a woman lover. Though dressing up in women’s clothing is an English tradition especially in Panto, or on a Friday or Saturday night, after I’ve shaved my legs again. So now I hope I’ve made things clear I’ll continue. I’m a bit tired today as the pain monster attacked last night and I did not get much rest. It could have been a reward for the crucify Morons joke yesterday, that’s if God really is a fundamentalist.

I do like tv programmes that are food for the brain too, I saw one about the Royal Academy last night, its a club of artists for artists if you want the 2 second explanation. Or you can catch the programme on the BBCiplayer it’ll give you much more detail. Everybody watches David Attenborough but Jaques Cousteau was better if you are old enough to have seen that. Cousteau I believe invented the aqualung, but check up on the facts and watch his programmes for yourself. John Denver even wrote a song about him.

For me News is always of interest, though Brexit is just so boring because it is a repetition of fixed positions. For pride you Brexit, for basic economics you stay in. That’s the quick explanation. News has been an interest for 50+ years from when I used to watch the news as my dad heckled the tv. And yes I still do that, it’s a blood sport after all. I even spotted Sir Robin Day in London when I was on a trip, I tried following him but he walked so incredible fast. If it were anybody else I would not have bothered. He was the Walter Cronkite of UK, if I’ve got the best comparison. Pop stars and film stars I’d ignore.

I do like Music on tv tool, Jool Holland’s show is the best nowadays, he has a studio circus ring and the different acts play. His own style of music is not my favourite but all the guests are really good. Again you might find him on the BBC website or Utube. We used to have The Old Grey Whistle Test, that was the best in its time, with whispering Bob Harris. Bob really loves his music and it shows, he may still be on Radio somewhere, he’s been at it 40 years now.

We used to have Top of the Pops too which was a charts single rundown show, that was on for 40 years or so. You will have noticed I have not mentioned MTV and their ilk. Because dodgy angles and switching between black an white with too many wannabe presenters detract from the music, and I don’t want overlong ad breaks either. It’s the music I love not the presenters. By the way good luck to Israeli winner of Eurovision, I think it’ll be a huge hit all over the world, Netta reminds me of Bjork’s big sister.

Theme music in films and tv shows are so important too, they add to the drama. We’ve been watching Kdrama lately and Korea seems to know just how to use music, we love their stuff, you can catch loads on Netflix. Hopefully when Kim hands over a list and location of all his Toys the North can have a deluge of great tv. Put a satellite up for tv and mobile phones and let the Kim era end. Hopefully Xi has a satellite ready and Samsung can do the rest.

Cartoons are also a great diversion on tv, and yes Trump has already been in the Simpsons they predicted him to be President after all. And Kim does look like a cartoon character already, so a good cartoon is always nice. Nick Park, no he is English not Korean, his Wrong Trousers and so forth are really good. Perhaps he can conquer North Korea once Kim disarms totally in one go. I’m writing this down because sometimes when I write things down they really happen. So Kim can have the Wrong Trousers, it looks like he goes to the same tailors as Bill Gates, and the North can be a happy place and give up all the parading.

Then it would be on the news and I could heckle from the safety of my chair. Now that really would be tv well worth watching. Did I tell you my wife was in Singapore years ago, so she told me Trump and 10,000 journalists should have a good time. They can still come and visit Birmingham too, I might just be able to squeeze Kim and Trump into my diary, there is a nice Burger King in Martineau Square, they can toss a penny to see who pays.  

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