Monday, 21 May 2018

Stories, a Diary or a Confession?

Stories, a Diary  or a Confession? (c)
Michael Casey

I'm really tired today and I needed a nap earlier, I was thinking of missing my Homework, writing a new story a day, well almost.  I have tidied up up 3 Blogger sites, but my wordpress still has 180 or so reads over there, Butcher, Baker Undertaker is the main site and the 3 others are backups.

I did decide to load up my novel in Spanish, to give Spanish readers a chance to read it, its on my wordpress in full, and yes its still my copyright, you can buy it in English on Amazon. The Polish readers loved it a year ago, 21,000 readers in 3 weeks or so, Sadly they haven't rushed to buy the original English version, Internet is Free so nobody pays the worker. A sad reality of the internet,

So I was thinking, these pieces of writing what exactly are they to you? They are stories and they do show bits from my mental diary, my memory goes back to before my sister came home from maternity hospital, so thats over 55 years now. Are they a confession too?

These stories do share jokes and memories, such as branding my brother with a red hot poker from the fire place, so he poisoned me with piss in a pop bottle in return. Normal everyday happenings. So I suppose those events are confessional. How much confessional could you stand. You don't want to know chapter and verse all the events of my life. There are much more sordid lives you can follow on reality tv, or Trump and tv news. I think the Constitutional Crisis is coming, remember you have no king in USA.

So as I share this and that with never a mention of the size of my hands, are you all amused or titillated?I hope with my stories you laugh, and maybe sigh. There are stories from my family and made up stories, I hope they amuse. What I write is just a box of chocolates, as plain and simple as that. Some events from my own experience I weave into the made up stories I write, others are just total fiction, though faction may make the best story. As all my news watching shows me Trump's America has merged everything good and bad. They used to say that the Presidency molds the Man, but with Trump he has thrown the toys from his pram. If he does finally take Kim's toys away then History will be kinder to him, though it appears nobody is standing up to him, Trump I mean.I predict though that Kim could launch one attack from his bunker, so duck and close your eyes if you see a flash in the sky.

My love of news and politics does slip out too, though I tend to keep the surreal Trump pieces in a separate stories, he is just too big to believe. Churchill who was a great writer, and spent the equivalent to 3 people's annual salary on alcohol, he said that all forms of government were bad, Democracy being the least bad. So I have to put my opinions in somewhere.

What more shall I say? I have to watch  the Press Preview on Sky now, its one of my favourite shows, though Martine on the BBC is very good too, as is the cool guy.

Ok, I'll shut up for tonight. Normal service will be resumed in the morning. I have 20,000 words and maybe 30 stories to write before I reach 100,000  words to fill Sweet 16 my 16th book. Then I'll inflict it on you. So as you go to bed tonight, hold your teddy bear tight and think how good your life is, and if you don't say your prayers you'll have to read my books in hell for all eternity.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far