Wednesday, 9 May 2018

Fill in E784/52 and your new spouse will be ready(c)

Fill in E784/52 and your new spouse will be ready(c)


Michael Casey

I saw somewhere that the Government would be involved with marriage. So that set me thinking.
Fill in form  E784/52 and your new spouse will be ready.

Just as stupid as a census form would be the Government provided spouse, all you do is fill in the form.

You fill in sections stating what kind of sex life is required, variety and kind and frequency.
You fill in sections stating what kind of faith is required, though nowadays “None” would be the most common.
Sections for what kind of intellect required.
What kind of hair colour, and type, soft or shiny.
Height requirements would be catered for too.
Tall dark and handsome, or very curvy with a twinkle in their eyes. Eye colour would also be on the list.

The form would go on for three pages and has to be filled out in triplicate. Native language requirements or preferences would also be listed.

It could take hours to fill in the form, but once completed, the Government guarantees perfection and a till death do you part guarantee.

With the government in charge of our mating, nothing can go wrong. Only on the way down in the lift its love at first sight as you see somebody for the first time. Can it be true can it be really true. You were made for me and I was made for you.


from 2011

your mother can die 22 years ago this month, your father nearly dies 8 bare weeks later in the same marriage bed,but survives when his son  does cpr, spends 12 weeks in hospital after been given just a week to live, then goes to live in a seniors home. You visit him every single day for 3 years, then you fall in love with the girl cleaning your dad's room. This is my way, read Padre Pio and Me on internet.

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