Friday, 25 May 2018

it's 3am on 25th may 2018 time for Revolution

it's 3am on 25th may 2018

and the pain monster would not let me sleep so I've got up and I've had some toast and a cup of tea.

it's been a few weeks since I've had to get up in the middle of the night, so I've done well, but now,

the nighttime pain monster has returned.

So I'll post something you can all read just in case you too are up in the middle of the night.

I stumbled over this an unfinished piece from 6 years plus ago, though  it could be 20 years old.


                         Revolution    (c)


                        Michael CASEY


       A wheelchair is being rocked back and forth , all we see is a close
up of the wheels . After a while the picture opens up , we can see the man
in the wheelchair ,  he is rolling his eyes as he moves his chair . We are
in  the  day  room of an old peoples home .  Most  of  the  residents  are
gathered around the TV though it is turned off . In one corner of the room
a blind woman is holding an avid conversation with a Downs Syndrome adult
who  has been dumped in the home ,  the blind lady does not know that  the
Downes adult is looking out of the window and not paying attention ,  even
if she could understand .
        A woman , no longer young , her beauty fading fast appears though
a door at the end of the day room she strides through the day room  ,  one
thin  woman  approaches but is warded off by a look  from  Tracy  .  Tracy
glances at the crowd  around the TV and rolls her eyes .  Tracy  continues
on her way towards a door marked office . She is a yard from the door when
she slips on some water and falls over .  An old man shambles over to  her
her up .

Tracy:Thankyou .

She tidies herself up while Ben (the old man) picks up her papers .
She then notices that the man is wet too ,  she sniffs .  Then edges  away
from him .

Tracy:You dirty horrible man , we'll have to put you in nappies next .
Ben  :Its my age , and the cold . The cold here gives me the willies .
Tracy:I'll have none of that you horrible old man .
Ben  :But .
Tracy:Oh get lost you old bastard !

Tracy  lashes out and slaps Ben hard on the face .  With that  Tracy  goes
into the office .  On or two of the residents look back at Ben then return
their blank gaze to the broken TV .  Glenda the Downs girl comes over and
kisses Ben's face to comfort him ,  Glenda is very unhappy , so Ben has to
hide his hurt so as to cheer her up .

Ben:It's only a game  Glenda , Tracy is always playing games with me .

Glenda  looks  at him then gives him a hug before returning to  the  blind
lady's side .

Judy the lady who was warned off by a scowl now approaches Ben .

Judy:What we need is a revolution here .  We could kill them an burn  them
     in the boiler .
Ben :At least it might make the place warmer .

Inside the office we can hear Tracy's raised voice .

Tracy's  voice:If they're not pissing themselves then its eating too  much
               and they play with the theormostats .  An that dirty bugger
               Ben is always eating me up with his eyes .

Judy:She's  only saying that cos her husband divorced her ,  said she  was
     too bossy .  She a frustrated old cow ,  she'd soon complain if  you
     didn't look .
Ben:It's only natural for a man to look , it's all we can do at our age .
Judy:Well I better get these clothes off you .
Ben :But my others are still in the wash , as the washing machine broke .
Judy:You could always wear a dress of mine .
Ben :You must be joking ,  I still have my pride ,  I may not have bladder
     control but I do have my pride , I was a Desert Rat you know .

Ben  moves  off his head held high ,  the faintest traces  of  a  military
bearing  are still there . Judy follows .

Judy:I was only joking ,  I have some old slacks you can wear , you cann't
     tell there woman's .

Ben stops , and turns around .

Ben :What colour are they ?
Ben :Alright you're on .
Judy:Were you really a Desert Rat ?
Ben :I've got scars to prove it .
Judy:Let's get those trousers off you then - hero .

Arm in arm they leave the day room . As they leave Tracy leaves the office
at the far end ,  slamming the door as she does so .  She is muttering  to
herself  .  She falls into the pool of "Water" again .  She  scrambles  up
cursing .

Tracy:Oh shit ,  or should I say piss if I'm not in one I'm in the other ,
      what with all these senile lumps of dogmeat ,  why cann't  they  die
      sooner before they eat us out of house and home . I'm  only doing my
      uncle a favour till my property settlement comes through the courts   

She moves over to the TV .

Tracy:The  bloody  thing is broke ,  what do you expect with  all  channel
      changing you lot give it . So find something else to do .

She shakes there armchairs and points towards another set of chairs  where
the blind lady is .

Tracy:Go  and look out the window you know who much you enjoy that  .  And
      why don't one or two of you jump , it'll be entertainment for the
     rest .

With these parting words she leaves the day room , the old folks return to
their seats around the TV . They mutter to one another . Judy returns with
Ben , who is wearing a red dress . The old folks laugh  heartily .

Ben :I told you they'd laugh . I'm going to take it off .
Judy:Don't be silly your clothes are soaking in the bath .
Ben :But they're laughing at me . At me an old soldier -  a Desert Rat .
Judy:Look Ben that's all we can do for now , unless you want to complain .
Ben :No I don't want to do that , I mean Tracy's got a good right hand , I
     got a black eye last month .
Judy:Never , you told us you fell out of bed .
Ben :Well I did after she hit me .
Judy:The bitch , I'll scratch her eyes out .

Glenda comes over to take a close look at Ben in a dress .  She even lifts
it up to look underneath . This makes everybody laugh even Ben .

Glenda:You look funny .
Judy  :But he does have nice legs .

Everybody laughs again , so much so that George (the owner) and Tracy come
to investigate .

George:Bloody hell Ben , I did not know you were a transvestite .

George lets out a belly laugh . Nobody else laughs .

Tracy:Come on get it off Ben .

Tracy moves forward and reaches for the dress Judy stands in the way .
This is a mistake as Tracy pushes her to one side , so that Judy bangs her
head on the arm rest of one of the chairs .

Tracy:Come on get it off Ben .

There  is a brief tussle in which the dress is torn ,  George pulls  Tracy

Ben  :But I've got nothing else to wear , all my clothes are in the wash
George:It's  my  fault  Tracy I forgot to renew  the  repair  and  service
       contract , what with test driving my new Rover .
Tracy:So I'm meant to do the office work too ,  as well as look after these
      lumps of grissle while you spend the profits  , and when are all
      these YTS trainees coming .

They walk away from the old folk

George:One is due tomorrow , come into the office and we'll talk .
Tracy :What if she complains to somebody .
George:They'd never dare complain .

Tracy and George go into the office leaving Ben to help Judy up .

Ben :Are you hurt Judy .
Judy:Not as much as my pride ,  if I were as young as that bitch I'd  have
     torn her eyes out , I used to be so strong , now I'm just all bones .
Ben :We're too old to stand up to them .
Blind lady:We could right a letter , to the council .
Judy:Even  if  we wrote to the lord mayor how would we get it  out  , the   
     letter box is a long way away .
Ben :I'd go out and post it , only I cann't walk far with my legs nowdays
Judy:Let's  write the letter first ,  then we can think of  delivering  it
     later .


Judy is on her bed upstairs ,  Ben is sitting beside her still wearing the dress .

Judy:There ,   I told the Mayor that you were a Desert Rat now all we have to do is post it .

Judy licks the envelope and closes it with a flourish .

Ben :Have you got a stamp ?
Judy:I thought you had one .
Ben :No I thought you had one .

Glenda arrives , to see what is happening .

Judy:Do you have a stamp Glenda ?
Glenda:No but Tracy might she's coming up here .
Ben:We'll have to hide the letter or else she'll see it .
Glenda:Can I have it ?
Judy:Here but don't let Tracy see it .

Tracy arrives on the scene .

Tracy:Are you girl's all right . (Sarcastically)

No reply

Tracy:So the cat's got your tongue ,  well come downstairs the lunch  will
      be served in half an hour .

Tracy leaves them , Glenda has wondered to a slightly open window .

Glenda:Look the postman !

Glenda waves at him , and the letter is dropped , a gust of wind takes it
along the road . Judy and Ben have got to the window too late .

Judy:Oh no .
Ben:That's torn it .
Judy:Look the postman's looked up .
Ben:He's waving .
Judy:Shout to him .
Ben :It's no use he won't hear what with all the traffic noise .

THe  postman continues with his round ,  the fallen letter is being  blown
along the pavement .  After a while a group of high spirited schoolkids on
the way to the swimming baths appears ,  the letter is kicked and stampted
upon .

Judy:It was worth a try , we better go to for lunch then .
Ben :I suppose your're right ,  is your eye ok now .
Judy:It'll swell I suppose .
Ben :You'll look silly with a black eye .
Judy:Not as silly as you . Come on Glenda .

Gelenda  moves reluctantly from the window .  As she does outside  in  the
street  a boy and girl come along (both punks) ,  the boy stops to do  his
shoelace and sees the letter .

Boy :This is to the Lord Mayor .
Girl:Well post it then .
Boy :There's no stamp .
Girl:We're  going to town to buy the latest Cliff Richard album  for  your
     mom aren't we ?
Boy :Yes .
Girl:Well we can drop it off .
Boy :Is that your good deed for the day ?
Girl:I'll give you a good deed too if your nice to me .

The  pair embrace ,  then break off as they see a bus coming so they  dash for the bus .

  fadeout .

At  the  town  hall ,  the boy and girl see  the  Lord  Mayor's  chauffeur polishing the Rolls .

Boy :The Lord Mayors's your boss .
Chauffeur:That's right .
Girl:This is for her then .
Chauffeur:It's a bit of a mess , is it a joke ?
Girl:No  we  found it while we were on the way to town to buy  the  latest Cliff Richard album .
Boy :It was her good deed for the day .

The  chauffeur  looks at them unbelievingly ,   the couple  depart  ,  the chauffeur calls after them .

Chauffeur:If you really like Cliff then you'll find him in "Claire's" cafe right now . I dropped him off after he saw the Lord Mayor .

Girl:Great , bye . Come on Damien lets get his autograph for mom .

The chauffeur looks at the letter and opens it .

Chauffeur:Just in case it is a joke .

He reads it , and after a while lets out a scream .

Chauffeur:The  bastards .

At this moment the Lord Mayor (an old woman) arrives .

L.Mayor:What's up John .
Chauffeur:Read this .

He thrusts the letter at the Lord Mayor .

Lord Mayor:Bastards.  (Quietely spoke) I think we'll pay a vist  straight away  .

With that the Lord Mayor jumps in the Rolls and is speed away .

Lord Mayor:Put your foot down John , nobody's going to book us after all .

After a while they arrive at the old folks home . They park outside , the Lord Mayor gets caught up in the regalia , so John goes in first .George the owner of the place is coming out .

George:And who the hell are you , you cann't barge in here .
Chauffeur:Are you the owner of this dump .
George:I run this establishment , yes .
Chauffeur:That's all I wanted to know .

With that John the chauffeur really thumps George ,  George is fat and big man but John is ex-army .  George is mystified when the Lord Mayor in full regalia arrives .

Chauffeur:You  little bastard ,  treat them like animals ,  no worse  than animals you do .
Lord Mayor:That's enough , John .

With a final punch John lays George out across George's new car . The two enter  the home the old folk are gathered around the dinner  table  ,  the portions  are meagre .  Tracy is force feeding the blind lady .  Both  the chauffeur and the Lord Mayor looked shocked .

Judy:Look , look our letter must have got though . It's the Lord Mayor !
Ben :But its a woman .

Tracy stops the force feeding to see what's up .

Tracy:Can you old bastards shut up !

Tracy sees the Lord Mayor .

Lord Mayor:Would you be so kind as to hold this John .

THe Lord Mayor takes off the chain of office .  Then moves over to Tracy ,as she does so she smiles benignly at the residents , then she sees Judy's black eyes , the Ben in the dress . Her face changes .

Lord Mayor:You utter bitch , you whore , you slag .

With that the Lord Mayor lands two whoppers to Tracy's face .  Tracy falls back then after the shock she starts to fight .

Lord Mayor:John you stay out of this .

With that the battle is commenced .

Lord Mayor:Reduce a Desert Rat to wearing a dress will you .

She now has Tracy by the hair and is swinging her about .

Lord Mayor:My husband was a Desert Rat , you little bitch .

With a final swing Tracy is sent flying across the room and bangs her head against the wall .

Chauffeur:What do we do next ?
Lord Mayor:Well lets get the Tv in here so they can watch while they eat , I'll fetch the whiskey in from the car .
Chauffeur:Where's the TV  ?
Ben:I'll show you .
Chauffeur:Everything will be ok , we'll sort you out .

Chauffeur and Ben locate the Tv .

Ben:I should have said it does not work .
Chauffeur well it's no good in here then is it .

With that the chauffeur picks the monster up .

Chauffeur:Can you open the window.
Ben:Certainly .

The window is opened ,  the Lord Mayor is returning with whisky from  theRolls , she stops by George to kick him where it hurts , before entering .
The Chauffeur smiles then throws the tv out , and just misses George , but does manage to break the car windscreen .

Chauffeur:Well Sir , shall we go and have a drink .
Ben:I suppose we need one .  You are strong aren't you .
Chauffeur:The Falklands was my war Sir .
Ben:I had it in the Desert .

The chauffeur stops and salutes .

Chauffeur:Then its a pleasure to meet a fellow soldier Sir .

They shake hands . Ben pulls himself up , his pride has returned .      We watch  from behind as they leave the day room .


Then next scene is of George and Tracy being led away by the police , thisis  viewed  from inside as the Lord Mayor is handing out  fish  and  chips which are eagerly accepted .

Lord Mayor:Well John , I've made a few calls and things will be put rightTODAY .
John:What about this place ?
Lord Mayor:The council will take it over ,  I've asked Jim Knowles to step into the breach.
John:But isn't he due to retire ?
Lord Mayor:He'll do it for me . (SHE PREENS HERSELF)
John:He'll need help ?
Lord  Mayor:He'll  have one or two ,  after all PROFESSIONALS  do  make  a difference .

The  Lord  Mayor goes over to wipe the face of one the  residents  leaving John to sigh , before smiling then himself going over to help at table .

Fadeout .

Jim Knowles has arrived at the home . He is fat balding and wears National Health glasses . He is running around everywhere , beads of sweat on his forehead  .  He is getting papers for the residents to read ,  pumping  up cushions  and  the like .  Judy and Ben watch from the  side  ,  they  are holding hands .

Judy:What a difference .
Ben :And he got me this suit .

Ben strokes the lapels , his pride is restored .

Judy:Yes , Jim is such a nice man .
Ben :The place still needs a bit of livening up though .

With  that there is a clatter of buckets ,  and Doreen appears, she is  the black cleaner , she is singing gospel style .

Doreen:The  Lord is in his heaven and says if you work well  you'll  never   burn in that dark hell . (SINGS)

She wrings out the mop before continuing .

Doreen:Praise the Lord and be happy for he sees you when you're unhappy  ,  he comes and shares your troubles , he blows them away like so many bubbles .


Bubbles from the bucket float away and Doreen bursts them as she sings .

Doreen:Sing  for  Joy the Lord has come ,  the battle against  Satan  will always be won . For he is mighty , he is strong he'll never let you go far wrong . For he only wants to save us from witchcraft and by his laughter show us that the devil is so daft .  For by his  light you can see eternity . (SINGS)

Doreen continues humming as she heads away , cleaning as she does so .

Judy:She's a bit silly that one .
Ben :Her hearts in the right place .
Judy:I doubt if you could find it under all that blubber .
Ben :I don't think she's fat , not really .
Judy:Well we know about you and women , the bigger the better .

Judy pulls her hand away from Ben .

Ben :But I like you don't I ?
Judy:I wouldn't know , would I ?
Ben :Of course I do .

Ben takes Judy's hand , Judy does not resist ,

Judy:Oh you are soppy . You'll ruin my reputation you will .
Ben :Who cares .
Judy:Well I do .

Judy pulls her hand away again .

Ben :Well at least at our age I won't be getting you into trouble .

Judy  glares at him then dissolves into laughter ,  before giving  Ben  her hand which he kisses .


w w well i hope you like this i have not read it in years, in actual fact I think this idea becomes Chapter 2 of Tears for a Butcher and you can hear me read some of it at 

Remember my dad lived in a seniors home for 5.5 years

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far