Sunday, 6 May 2018

The Thief, The Old Lady and the Girl with The Scar

The Thief, The Old Lady and The Girl With The Scar ©
Michael Casey

Old Maggie was old, but she was still a nice lady, despite many things. So as she pottered about she had a smile here and a smile there, everybody knew her in Old Forge and Singing Anvil, Mrs Murphy herself was one of her oldest and dear friends. So as she bent down to pick up her heavy shopping bags she was startled to see Christian behind her, in fact Christian was not a very good Christian or anything in fact. He was about to steal her purse, so Maggie grabbed his hand and squeezed, as she had been a bit of a golfer in her day Christian squirmed. Maggie’s grip was stronger than Trump’s grip, and Christian could not escape her.

This was the turning point in Christian’s life, he was about to commit his first crime, if Maggie had shouted for help the Gavin Twins all 4 of them would have come running, Big Sid would have come running his meat cleaver in his hand. Christian would been praying like a good Christian should, and Percy might have put down his poetry book and look from his Undertaker’s. Today was a good day to be a Christian or any other great Faith, but to have an unchristian thought or act in his heart, that was not a good idea. Maggie squeezed harder, harder than the Maggie would have squeezed Trump’s hand. There could only ever be one winner, Maggie of course, handbag not required. So Maggie sized up Christian in an instant.

Come carry my bags for me they are heavy. Maggie lived just around the corner but she made Christian walk 2 miles with her before arriving at her house. It was like a game of golf but without any cheating Trump, just a repentant Christian carrying Maggie’s handbag, sorry I mean heavy shopping bags. When they arrived Maggie invited him in. Christian felt like a a Christian invited into the Lions Den, he felt as if he was going to be ate alive. But what could he do, he just had to trust in God, but Christian had no Faith, but Maggie had plenty, she was Mrs Murphy’s friend after all so what would you expect?

Inside Theresa was ironing Maggie’s clothes, Theresa was Maggie’s granddaughter, she was beautiful beyond compare, though she had a scar on her face, on her left cheek. How it got there we  won’t talk about it as it would make Theresa cry. So we’ll leave it there on her face. Maggie shouted I’ve brought a boy with me, so immediately Theresa tossed her hair to hide the scar, she always hid that cheek, turning the other cheek to her meant hiding the scar side. Then she continued with the ironing.

Maggie put the kettle on and told Christian to sit, like a lion tamer making the lions wait before eating the Christian alive. She whispered to Theresa, I’ve brought you a boyfriend. And indeed she had, Maggie knew Christian was just a stupid boy, well all boys are stupid anyway. But as Maggie squeezed the life out of Christian’s hand in the street she had felt a funny feeling, and it was not his knuckles breaking. She’s been praying for husband for her granddaughter, and it was now or never.

Over tea Maggie asked Christian had he a job, she knew he had not, why else would he be about to steal her purse. Christian squirmed, and as he squirmed Theresa fell in love with him. She felt something too, this was no Kdrama this was love, a gentle breeze of love, here in Old Forge and Singing Anvil in England. So carried on ironing Maggie’s bloomers, and as the gentle breeze of love blew Theresa discover she had put her hair up, all her face was on show. Maggie watched and silently prayed as Theresa and Christian’s eyes met. He did not even notice the horrible scar. All he saw was the girl before him, Theresa, and May was the month of Mary as Maggie would tell you. So was May the month Theresa got her man. A man of for Theresa in May?

Maggie repeated the question, do you have a job Christian? Christian looked at the kitchen floor.No. I, I, I can’t read so how can I get a job. I can barely fill in an application form. Lots of people had laughed in his face when he told them. But Theresa just put the iron down on Maggie’s bloomers and came over and held his hand. I can teach you to read, I’m a classroom assistant in a school. Theresa looked pleadingly into Christian’s eyes, Maggie thought she’d have to have  a Mass said in the morning. Theresa and Christian twinkled, like binary stars together, Maggie knew she could start planning the wedding already. But he still needed a job.

The smell of burning bloomers awoke them all from their Kpop dreams. Theresa ran to rescue them. Maggie just laughed, what did a pair of scorched bloomers matter, she’s found her granddaughter a husband. Maggie looked at Christian, do you have a criminal record? Christian gulped, today was his first attempted criminal act. No, I was tempted once because, but sometime stopped me. You mean I stopped you, replied Maggie. Theresa was shocked, her hopes dashed. I swear I’ve never done anything ever, it was just today, but then I met Maggie. Shall I go asked Christian getting up to leave.

Theresa was always a thoughtful girl, never hurried anything, but at that moment her heart made her scream. NO, NO and NO. So it was settled then as Christian had never actually been a bad boy, he would be her lad, her good boy, never say goodbye good boy. She was sticking with him forever. Secretly Theresa had been praying for a husband and today the smell of burning bloomers had been like the smell of incense sending to prayers to high Heaven. Theresa had got her man even if granny had lost her bloomers.

All he needed now was a job, so Maggie rung the golf club, friends’ of friends and so forth. Christian could be a security guard at the end of next month. Only he had to learn to read and fast. Christian and Theresa had intense reading sessions, Christian was a fast learner and yes along the way a couple more of  Maggie’s bloomers got burnt. But Christian learnt to read and Theresa put her hair up, and he never ever noticed the scar. Love may be blind, but he could read now, and anybody could read the look of love between them.

So Christian got his security job, he was a natural, poacher turned gamekeeper perhaps, though he’d never actually been a poacher, Maggie’s golf grip had seen to that. Within 6 months the lovers were engaged, and Maggie said they should come live with her, she had such a big house after all, if they could stand the smell of burnt bloomers. So everything was decided.

Now the security company that Christian worked for had a works dinner, every 25th January, after Christmas when the need of total security allowed a night off for the lads. So Christian and Theresa went and she had her hair up, she looked divine. Only in life there are always bastards, and one was called Russell who worked for the same security company. However Russell met his Waterloo, he was loudly saying have you seen scarface that ugly girl that guy on table 47 as he washed his hands in the gents. Only behind him appeared Jack, Mr Jack the owner of the security company who had also being washing his hands. When the were alone in the gents Mr Jack took out his mobile and showed Russel a photo of a little girl with a scar on her face. That’s my beautiful granddaughter Theresa, Russell di not know what to say buy Mr Jack did. I want you to guard Napoleon house, if you put your skates on you’ll be there in 17 mins. Mr Jack did not say any more, he didn’t need to. Napoleon house was where Russell had his Waterloo.In fact Mr Jack made him guard it for 6 months, then Russell was forgiven and nothing more was spoken of it.

Mr Jack strode to table 47, it’s Christian and Theresa please forgive me you should be at my table, then he led them to the top table. His brother Dave who was his right hand man just took his drink and his latest girlfriend with him to table 47. He could get drunk now, he was not on top table. For everybody else in the room it was like a scene from the Bible. You look so beautiful commented Mrs Jack as she passed the champagne. It really was a great night. Christian confessed how Theresa had helped him to read. Mrs Jack commented that a few of the guards could do with a bit of polish, had she ever thought of going into HR, so with a look to her husband that was decided. Jack’s Security was getting bigger it needed a bit more help.

It was a perfect night, Mrs Jack liked Theresa and Mr Jack liked Christian in a few years Dave would retire to the Canaries, so that night Christian was like the anointed one. Only life is not fair, when Theresa was coming back from the ladies she noticed that one of the serving staff looked familiar and she would have fainted, only Mrs Jack was with her. Now that man was the man who had given Theresa the scar when he attacked her.

Mrs Jack reached into her purse and pressed button B, it was a present from her adoring family. Then with her most gracious of Queen Mother smiles she kidney punched the bad man, before grabbing his hair and spinning him around and punching him straight on the nose, probably breaking it. When she first met her adorable Mr Jack he had taught her how to fight dirty and save yourself before you run way. She would have beaten the stuffing out of the bad man only Button B had been answered by then 15 hulking family members. Its him, the scar giver was all she needed to say.

Theresa was led away by Mrs Jack and given another glass of champagne. Don’t worry about him, lets talk about YOUR future in security with Jack’s Security. As for the scar maker. Christian had a word with him, Mr Jack watching on. This is what he said, maybe after you come out of prison you’ll meet a good woman, because the love of a good woman will change your life just as it did mine. Then much to his relief the Police arrived to take the scar maker away.

Mr Jack smiled, Theresa had not only taught him to read she had also taught him the truth of life. Love Conquers All as Mrs Casey once told this writer too.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far