Tuesday, 6 December 2022

Stay in Bed make Love

Stay in Bed and make Love (c)


Michael Casey

Stay in Bed make Love

It's too cold for this fool on a hill

so stay in bed and make love

and if you have nobody

and your love needs kindling

and the neighbour next door is not interested in you

then go and chop wood

not a metaphor

but beware of splinters

as you chop wood

and as you throw your logs on the fire

or turn the central heating higher

and put your hands on the thermostat

just imagine what it would be like

not chopping firewood

but making love

with the Alchemy of your Soul

in your warm bed

without icicles on your window pane

maybe a metaphor

as you wish you wish

you could burn Putin

or use Trump's hot air

to warm your cold big Beyonce ass

but maybe the girl next door will come

to appreciate you

if only for your chopped logs 

and taking off her glasses

will see you clearly

though you are all shrivelled up with the cold

if she warms you up

with another log on the fire

then together you'll feel so much better

so everybody out there

he may be bald and fat

she may need to shave a bit


I  am fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England

so cuddle up everybody under the covers

with Bill the Gas man, which gas can mean funny too in Irish English

and enjoy the thrills together as you read my rubbish

under the bed clothes

But anticipate or 9 months

you'll always be awake

or just burn my books on the fire

just to get a little bit warmer

for I am Alchemy of the Spirit

100% Irish Poteen 

which can make you go Blind

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