Friday, 30 December 2022

Honesty and all that

 Owen Jones is a columnist at the Guardian

as I was trawling through the papers today

I noticed he had a stubbly photo attached

So all I have to say THANK YOU for your honestly

His boyish good looks are no longer on display

He has a cat too, I seen to remember


here's the thing as Americans say

The Picture was real, now lacking sex appeal

Usually photos from 10 or 20 years are on display

SO you look to see who wrote like

it usually is an image far away from reality

Influencer look and so on

With me I have a load of all photos 

and some newer ones my daughter take

Just so you can all see me as I really am

no fake anything on display

the writing is all mine too

but occasionally bastards say

he did not write that its too good

he looks like a security guard or a tramp

its the words that matter on my site


for pain killer before i scream

20 mins later

slap on hemp from Amazon

300ml for a tenner

Movelat does not work on me any more

Voltoral kills my kidneys 25 now 90 is normal

my 2nd home or office is in the bog

so my writing is my escape

though some of you may wish you could escape me

but amazon hemp works, slap it in

i can be in pain for hours

so i suffer instead of you reading me

then buddy rich on the symbols can never stop tinnitus

some sounds physically hurt too

just like my writing i hear you say

but at least i look better than owen

and my writing is better too

but i look so young I'd need a Guardian

or maybe his cat will bury my stuff

in the Telegraph's garden next door

Because neither of us look good enough

for a Daily Mail, because both of us 

are real, or is that my imagination

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...