Friday, 23 December 2022

Let there be Peace

Let there be Peace

Let there be Peace (c)

By Michael Casey

Let there be Peace in the Land

Let there be no more shells flying

Let there be no more dying

Let there be no more tears in the rain

Let there be no more graves in the mud

Let there be no more destruction

Let there be water and electricity

Let there be no hiding in the underground

Let there be a return to normality

Let there be NO more men acting behaving like beasts

Let there be no more schools turned into dungeons

Let there be no more destruction of schools and hospitals

Let the food supply stay alright

And why all of this

Because a Fool called Putin

Came out of his man cave looking to prove

He was king of the world

Corruption was not enough for him

Destruction and Death was his play thing

But now but now, he begins to see the reality

Ukraine just wanted to be left alone

Instead they are in for a fight of their life

Ukrainians are tall, they cannot hide

But now they crawl in the mud, to defeat the infedel

Heathen hoards from Moscow, full of lies and deceit

We are here to save you they said

The reality they just wanted to steal all the bread

To starve the world instead of feed it

To freeze the world instead on warm it

So when you put your central heating tonight

Think of the sacrifice today and ever day as Ukraine fights

Give them the tools to fight and they will finish the job

While Putin practices Genocide into the dark of the night

Be a light, be a light in the dark, and hold it high

As Ukrainians fight and die in the cold and dark of the night

Give them the tools to finish the job

Give then the tools to finish the job

Do not take any Russian Blood Money

For 30 pieces of silver they sold their soul under Putin

But Ukraine will never never never give up the fight

For they are Golden like a field of wheat

Putin is just all lies and deceit

And if you are in Russia and you read my words

Remember we are all mortal and to dust we will return

So turn away from Putin’s Evil darkness

Are all Russians cowards and afraid

If more Russians stand up to Putin

He can and will be defeated from within

Or are 100,000 Russians dead not enough for you

Is a TRILLON USD wasted a good idea

Stop living in fear of your own President

Remove the blood stained liar and fool

Make sure Putin cannot dance and goose-step any more

Why do you, in Russia allow a fool to dictate to you

Why do you allow him to lead you destrution

Would it not be better to put him in n empty barrel of oil

And drown his black heart in the Black sea

Or will you wait for 300,000 or 1,000,000 Russians to be dead

And all for what, lines on a map

So Putin can say to the Devil in Hell

Look what I achieved in my life

The world is mocking Putin

But you Russians in Moscow doing nothing

Because Putin drove your entire country

not over a bridge in a Mercedes but to utter and total destruction

As for Ukraine they are winning, and will win in the end

Don’t take my word for it, watch the read media

And what was at Fatima in 1917

In the end The Immaculate Heart of Mary will win

So what are you waiting for in Moscow

The Blessed Virgin Mary to appear on a Donkey in Red Square

This Christmas 2022

But what are you saying in Russia already to the Virgin Mary

No room at the Inn

WE are too busy killing our Ukrainian brothers

In Ukraine Russians enjoy killing just for the sake of it

Russia choses Putin

Instead of Jesus Mary and Joseph on a Donkey

Even if they were to appear in Red Square


Save your Soul Russia

Be like a Mother with a baby at her breast

Instead of selling your soul

to a Murdering Selfish Ignorant Cheeky Schoolboy

who has to rewrite his report for Xi

Because in the end Putin is just an ignorant little child

But in Ukraine they only have Men

All believers tonight, Pray and Pray again, because in the Mary will have the last word and that word is PEACE

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...