Saturday, 10 December 2022

Escape Route for Putin while your boys die in the mud

Escape Route for Putin while your boys die in the mud

why did Putin have an Arms dealer for Christmas

instead of Baby Jesus


He's planning his escape

and the Arms Dealer has connections

So expect a plane to Iran

or North Korea

then a dash to South America

Transport planes full of CASH

and Mercedes that he likes to drive over bridges

as he's a coward and won't fight Ukrainian men

just murder babies, just like Herod

at Jesus's Nativity

So what should Santa give Putin for Christmas

No, not a Christmas tree and ours is due today

Maybe a One Way ticket to Hell

paid for by Ukrainian Blood

May Peace be upon all of Us

Very Soon Christians and Muslims

Fatima rules

Infinity of Rosaries for Peace

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Twitter referring me

Twitter referring me I was just going trough my numbers and came up so somebody or thing on Twitter is pointing people in my direction ...