Thursday, 30 January 2020

The Menu in my Head

The Menu in my Head

The Menu in my Head (c)
By  Michael Casey
Well I noticed today that I first started here on WordPress 10 years ago, which has been a busy period for me. I became a house husband and more of a full time writer, or any other W word you would like to call me. I also started to get PAIN, Arthritis, then post Quadruple Heart Bypass pain, and yes bore you all about it. I’ve even got a chest hernia, which 1% of heart op people get. But enough of that for now.
I launched my 19th book, The Final Cut of The 19th Hole the other day, which turned out to be the same  day as my dad’s Quing Ming day. So how did I get here, well I knew I could do something and stumbled into writing over 30 years ago now. And where do the  words come from? It’s like a menu in my head. I pick A20, or H34 and out plops a story or a poem or a chat. It’s simple really, I just add sauce as required. I’m a kind of old fashioned Juke Box, or  story machine. When I check my readers it’s nice to see which old piece you are all reading across the sites. Some bring back memories, others I have forgotten, can the girl in the take away remember everything?  It’s nice too to see your reaction to new stories.
What else can I do anyway with Tinnitus as my bed fellow, Tinnitus is neither a Roman slave nor a Korean dream, it’s just a horrid noise that does not stop, and seems worse at night. Sometimes me and Tinnitus are awake all night, but not having fun. I will launch into my 20th book soon, this will be the first piece in it. I hope you all enjoy the variety.
So what can you expect? God alone knows because I never know, it’s more fun for me  that way. I do wish I could write Tears for a Butcher,  it would be a 600 page stand alone sequel to The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker but then again I doubt if that will ever happen. But God is Good as my mum always said. So stick around in 2020 and see where I stumble.  I pray to God that Trump resigns, as he really is corrupt, he hides  everything,  and not out of modesty. And the news says NO WITNESSES, this is a sad day for USA, and folks are lazy and don’t bother to vote, so 25% of the population who have voted control what happens to the other 75%.  SO VOTE.
Ok enough of him. Always look on the Bright side of Life, as Monty Python sung, because if you let sadness get you it will bring you down. Just pause,  scream, shout, and get back on the  laughing rocking horse. That’s my only advice. Others say sex, drugs, rock and roll, I’d say 2 out of 3 ain’t bad. So forget the drugs always, just have an imagination, that’s all you need.

THAI BBU TranslationBBU in KOREANVietnamese Translation The Butcher The Baker and The UndertakerKorean Valentine PoemKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015Korean Still Alive 2015Kasap Fırıncı ve Taahhüt © tarafındanBBU IndonesianBBU ITALIANBengali Translation of BBUBBU UrduBBU in Indian HindipersianBBUPORTUGUESE BBU2019China BBU-convertedChina BBU-convertedВ поисках индийской принцессыWydanie polskie Still Alive 2015win Wiersze dla wszystkichThe Polish TranslationsThe Polish Translationspolish Guardian AngelPolish Edition of Still Alive 2015Michael Casey The Polish Translations페이지 1 Quick Stories KOREAN아직도 살아있는 2015ページ1 Quick Stories in Japaneseインドのプリンセスを検索するにはインドのプリンセスを検索するには – CopyЭТО МОЙ ЛИФТ ADСтраница 1shoplife spanishJapanese elevator AdvertBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish Examples50 Spanish Examplesbbumar2008-en-zh-cn-1BBUMar2008.en.zh-CN (1)BBU in HebrewBBU in Arabic300 وBBU Russian Translation microsoft wordBBU in KOREANBBU GermanBBU French50 Spanish ExamplesKOREAN TRANSLATION Still Alive 2015The Polish TranslationsSpanish BBU아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015아직도 살아있는 2015

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...