Wednesday, 1 January 2020

MY Pussy says NO to chipping, DEFRA

MY PUSSY SAYS NO TO CHIPPING spend 100million which it would cost at least on Pets visits to old folks homes INSTEAD
Michael Casey
Wed 01/01/2020 15:53

spend £100million which it would cost at least on

Pets visits to old folks homes INSTEAD

YOU are legally responsible for damage a DOG DOES

and dangerous dogs are a result of dangerous owners

But Pussies run free.

Its a stupid idea that would cost at least 100 million

Create more jobsworth idiots too

Its a form of tracking of owners too

It invades the owners  rights as well

Are you going to put AI cameras everywhere too next

England is a free country not a Prison Camp

As you know Kitchener invented Prison Camps to put

the Boers down

Tagging our Pussies what next, tag old people,

or just the working classes

Or those that did not vote for you.

This is a total waste of time

If you want to tag your Pussy, then fine do it at your own cost.


Tagging pussies is none of the Government's Business

If you love  your pussy you will look after it

Don't force CHIPS WITH EVERYTHING  on everybody

Its a diet that will come back and bite you on the bum

just like rabid dogs owned by equally rabid owners

who don't chip their dangerous dogs

This is a simplistic idea, thought up by a bored  idiot

trying to  prove he is worth his over rated salary.

Are we bringing back people with a net, like the

Child Catcher in Chitty Chitty Bang bang?

You will just worry little old ladies fearing for their pussies

Do I or must I have my Pussy Chipped


Let Pussies run free and be free

Will you force everybody to spay their Tom Cat next?

This is a Top Down idea, when you should always

be in the gutter with the pussies hiding under the warm cars

but looking up at the Stars, and wondering is CATS really such

a bad film, or did Defra review it?

We have a cat called TOTORO it looks exactly like the pussy

from 10 Downing Street, but far deadlier it is a Ninja cat

As  all the dead mice and rats will confer  from our old house.

And why do we have a cat these past 5 years

Because my daughters nagged for a pet and I said they could have

a dog if I died or a cat if I had a heart attack

5 years ago this very  week I went into hospital 
and had what turned out

to be an Unplanned Quadruple Heart Bypass.

So my girls got a cat, and not a dog.

The cat is called Totoro after the Studio Ghibli

cat. The cat also understands Chinese as my daughters are

Bilingual, having a Shanghai mother does do that to you.

Totoro also understands plastic,

the sound of plastic brings her running

Or if I jangle my keys she'll come racing over fences.

As the new notes are made of plastic, if you

squeeze a tenner Totoro will also come running,

or maybe that's the Chinese influence in Totoro.



And I hope you listen, and you can steal my

Pussy Visits to Old People's Homes idea

the National Lottery can pay for that.

So I hope I squeeze in under the deadline,

just as a cat uses its whiskers to tell spaces.

I remain a humble citizen, praying for the best possible world,

as Candide or was it Voltaire said.

Michael Casey
aka "the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England"

p.s. I'd love a dog myself,
but God might have the last laugh at that.

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

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