Wednesday, 1 January 2020

My Final Decade?

My Final Decade?

My Final Decade?
well I’m waiting for the girls to come home from Hanicha’s, they are  watching the fireworks together. So I’ve almost reached my 5 years since my quadruple heart bypass.
Aches and pains and ill health have littered my  path and you are all sick of me talking about it. But realistically I’m probably now in my final decade. Yes I’d love to live 40 more years and marry a 25 year old nice Korean girl and have 4 more kids and form a Kpop band  or a Martial arts school.
But what are the chances of that. Over 20 years ago I visited the Czech Republic and stopped with a Gay Doctor, because my female pen friend had no space at her place.
I also met a female Professional Model called Patricie V, who then came to my home here in Birmingham to learn English for a month. The girl I really wanted was an English girl, but she had great taste and did not want me. So I ended up marrying a Shanghai girl instead, far far prettier than the Czech model.
Now it’s 20 years on, and I’m in pain a lot of the time, as I’ve bored you all about already.
So really what are the chances  of me meeting a Korean girl and starting a 2nd family.
Zero, my Shanghai wife would have laughed her eyebrows off.
So keep on laughing with me this Decade, I hope you enjoy my words.
And Happy New Year to you all especially if you are in Singapore, my Shanghai wife once told me a millionaire asked her to marry him, but she turned down his golden cage and ended up married to me here in Birmingham and not in Singapore.
With a life like mine, little wonder I write  comedy. And who did I meet in the Post Office
today, only a group of Czech gypsies .
So what will my fortune be, its all in the stars, which was the story I wrote for Louise
20 years ago. I bet she’s relieved….
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