Friday, 20 September 2019

just a quick message

Just a quick message

I am michaelgcasey from Birmingham England
I am NOT the guy with the beard of the exact same name
though he did his Phd where my brother did his degree, Downing Cambridge.
and there are other coincidences. I am not the Monk, nor the USA journalist of the same name. I am just Michael Casey the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham ENGLAND, my family is from County Kerry, and the wife is a Shanghai girl and we have 2 teenage bilingual daughters and a cat called Totoro. The girls wanted a pet, so I said they could have a dog if I died or a cat if I had a heart attack. I had an unplanned quadruple heart bypass in Jan 2015, so the girls got their hearts’ desire a cat. It was supposed to be a Triple but 6 months later I told it was 4 grafts. Now I have the delights of Tinnitus which keeps me awake most of the night, plus a few other hinderances which hobble me. In my head I’m 20, though on Pain Days I’m 95, and I bitch about it. So thank God for Movelat and Parcetamol. I try and write Comedy/Humour and try and write something new every day over on my Blogger, or on my WordPress. I’ve reached 1.5million words now. I occasionally annoy the good and the great with an email, because we’re all as good as they are. Besides one day somebody may spot me and give my words exposure. Then I can buy a new house and a car for my daughters as I never learnt to drive, and a dog for me. Maybe a new Korean wife too, but don’t tell the Shanghai wife or she’ll just laugh like a drain, and pass me a Korean phrase book. I have readers in over 60 countries worldwide and 1000s of Translations of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker have been downloaded in multiple languages from my WordPress. If I made more than I need for my daughters then I’d donate to Pain Relief, yes really. As the Pain Monster has attacked me since 2013, so Health is the only thing worth having. So I’d pass money along. But this is all hot air, until somebody opens that DOOR, or a window as Ang once said as we stood in the Print room at Pinsent Masons.
So this is my dream, I’m still waiting for my Life to begin, but the wheels are falling off the Wagon that is my Health and Life. If I could get a cartoonist or cartoon film maker to look at my stuff there is so much material. 2000+ stories and 500 or so chats when I’d too tired or in pain to sit and write. My Totoro stories and my Lech, Boris and Gregorgi stories would be great short cartoons. The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker is film/ tv series material. All the 1000s of short stories can be used to help teach English as a 2nd Language. And with the aid of cartoons to match the words a very big hit. And then the rewards can be gifted away for Pain Relief. But as you read this most of you won’t believe me. I have a golden toilet already I stole it from Blenhiem Palace the other night, so what do I need another one for? I have loaded all 207 stories to this site(Typepad), that’s 12 hours or so of Audio. So if you linked that to text you have a way of helping to teach English via Humour. Maybe North Korea will be swept aside by my words, and I get an all dancing and prancing Korean girl. Smile
the link above is where you can find my books
is my WordPress with loads of translations
the link above is my MAIN SITE
So that’s your lot


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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...