Saturday, 14 September 2019

Arguing the Toss

Arguing the Toss

Arguing the Toss ©
Michael Casey

As you know I read the newspapers every day and I watch the news too, and of course there is radio as well. A lot is interesting and some stuff is just boring, even I am sick of Brexit. So I hope there is some finality soon, but what annoys me the most is the pointless pieces. What am I talking about? You know where Common Sense has just gone out the window. School has restarted after the Summer break and now we have “issues” with uniform, and I hate the word “issues” too, it’s too much PR speak. Just speak clearly.

This uniform is too big, too small, or not there at all. If the girls look like a Prostitute because of their “style” then yes send them Home. Or if the boys turn up looking like Elvis and smelling of Stunk, yes send them home or even call the Police. However if you go around with a ruler and say the trousers or skirt are an inch the wrong side of “Policy”  then this is just PETTY. Or if you say the shoes are too shiny, or there is a pattern an almost invisible pattern on the toe of the shoe, so the child is sent home, this is a total waste of time.

I know Uniforms are supposed to make kids uniform, and to give a sense of Identity, but it’s 2019, everybody is aware of their own identity. Uniforms in today’s age, are a bit of a stale joke, rather like school photographs, everybody has a camera, or should I say a phone, which has a great camera on. Yet schools persist, because they get a kickback from the photographer, it’s a stale tradition, everybody has 1000s of photos on their Facebook already, or Instagram which the kids prefer nowadays.

Yes have a uniform, but do you know the Trouble it brings for the parents? A standard cheap uniform, say a black jacket and you can buy a school specific badge, that can be ironed on. Then hey presto you have a uniform jacket, by the way my school uniform jacket was green. GD green. You can get cheap trousers too from Asda, or a skirt if you are a girl. Then black shoes, and don’t argue the toss to get the absolutely strict interpretation of how they should look. So long as they don’t conceal a blade in them like Kingsman or James Bond, then it is all sorted. And yes I speak from Experience, as hunting for the exact school specific Look, is a waste of Time and Money. So come on schools, grow up, it’s the schools who are behaving like naughty kids. You try living on a tight budget and having to pay for several different uniforms.

Now that I’ve vented on that, what else annoys me. I want to be different, you should respect my differences. Treat me nice, don’t be nasty to me. To which I say, I do already. But if you behave like a bastard I’ll tell you to your face, whatever “way” you are, because the way you treat the least of my brethren is the way you treat me, as somebody once said.

So everybody can have equal treatment, but not special treatment. Obviously if somebody is blind or deaf you make accommodations, which makes the playing field level. But if they are nasty, you don’t give them a free pass, or would you put up with it? Just as if a Politician is corrupt he should not get away with it because, he is a “leader”, the standard should be higher if he or she is a leader or a Priest. They say they lead, but we are not sheep, so we should never accept BS from them.

My final thought is about Trivia, tv shows are full of it, it’s cheap TV, on both levels, cheap to make, and it’s rubbish too. But people watch it and argue about it in the pub and at the hairdressers or nail bar. Cindy’s boobs are real, no they are not, oh yes they are. My Simone had hers done and they look just like hers on tv last night. But my Simone’s are better, she went to Hungary to get them done, saved thousands. Wayne looked so manly on tv last night, I’d stay in bed for a week with him, if I could get my walking frame close to my bed. I’d even use clean sheets to get dirty with him, he’s such a Hunk full of.

And on it goes. The Host is neither Straight nor Gay, and leaves the Audience confused, is he a he or a she? He gets paid lots, so his accountant calls him, “Loaded” or “Fully Packed”, the host’s partners call him or is it her, “Boss” is the word most likely to be heard. Though the host’s old mum, calls the Boss a Bastard for never ever visiting her in the old people’s home. And speaking as somebody who visited his dad every single day for 3 years at the Old People’s Home. All I can say is don’t waste your time arguing the toss, as Bastards aren’t worth your spit.

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