Monday, 30 September 2019

Autumn 2019 has arrived

ok, I've been resting, I had a couple of horrible pain days

now the family has changed, my big daughter is now a Student at University

so 3 years work ahead for her.

my small daughter now calls herself "an only child"

my wife was an only child too, one child policy in China etc

I was 5 of 6 like a Borg designation

So my upbringing was very different

Nowadays kids/everybody has it far too easy.

I can remember tv in black and white only, and only 2 channels

I have a fews ideas for various stories

If I look at an object or just out  the window, I have an idea or theme

The Tinnitus was not so bad the other night

I still sleep with Taylor Swift and Katy Perry and Will Young, I really need

to buy a bigger bed. I mean their voices if you are confused.

And by the way my tastes look East, Far East so none of them

are attractive for me. And they'll all sigh with  relief  about that.

I still wake every 2 hours anyway and can only sleep in one position

But apart from that I'm Perfect in Every way.

You can all stop sniggering or I'll dress in your mother's clothes and

come to your place of work and say I'm your  lover, with a copy of the

Karma Sutra under my arm. It's a maths book about geometry I believe

So come back tomorrow and there may be a new story,

we put the central heating on tonight  for the first time.

If you cannot afford central heating then wear 3 pairs of PJs,

or if you sleep in the nude as I do, don't puke at the mental picture,

take something warm to bed with you, the dog or a hot water bottle.

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...