Thursday, 28 February 2019

Dear Donald this is your Vietnam War

Dear Donald this is your Vietnam War

You've proved everything to yourself.

Now just enjoy your family

Spend time with Barron who adores you as does your wife.

What are you wasting your time on Politics for?

Time magazine covers and Nobel prizes

Both are a waste of time.

I know this to be true, I stood at my dad's bedside waiting for him to die.

But he did not.

Don't waste what's left of your life

Enjoy your your son  Barron, teach him to improve his golf

Enjoy your married life.

Walk away now Donald, why go down with a sinking ship, just walk away.

The clock has stuck midnight as I talk to you.

All our lives end, my own could have ended 4 years ago,  but I'm here, even though I still have lots of pain, I'm still here for my children, enjoying writing, even if I'll never make any money from it. But do you play golf to make money? You do it because its FUN.

So leave now Donald and have fun with Barron and your Lady wife.

Nobody will blame you, don't wait for your Rosebud moment, walk away at a time of your choosing. You might even come to Birmingham the one in England, and and give me a decent pair of shades, even if you just borrow them from your security team.

Sometimes we all have to compromise and give up and walk away, I'm at that point in one area of my own life right now. Yes you've guessed it I've given up Pole Dancing after 15 years in a Gentlemen's Club. Or maybe I'm exaggerating, it was only 12years.

I know you read my blog, the CIA and NSA and Mueller  told me when we were down the bowling alley with Obama, every Tuesday we all go together. So if you walk away from the White House you can come too, see I'm MAGA too. Make All Games Atrocious it's the way I play them.

Goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite, the insects, though NSA have bugs everywhere.

Michael Casey make Donald a better golfer again.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far