Sunday, 17 February 2019

17th feb 2019 morning all

17th feb  2019 morning all
well I hoped you all liked the wedding dress designer story from yesterday, it turned out to be a long one. As I said its a Lego piece from what will become Tears for a Butcher, a novel takes a full year of your life at the best of times, so not unless I really get that copy typist I doubt I'll ever finish it properly. You may get Lego sections, I just don't know. Reciting to a copy typist would be 4 times  faster at least than me sitting here myself at a keyboard.

Germany seems to have taken up the torch for my writing so hello to them, it could just be Weilberg where the Terra Cota army display is situated.

Or Offenbach, who knows, if you send me an email maybe then I will know the answer.
Or some guy in the glasshouse or brig at a USA  base somewhere.

Thanks anyway.

This morning the pain  monster has descended like an Iron Curtain of pain, so I don't think I'll write anything new today, but you never know. It proves I'm still alive in all senses when I write something, so that's why you have 1,430,000 words I batter you all with.
Quality of Life is always the most important thing, only fools think its quantity.
So I'll go and eat now, my belly still works, despite this concrete cross I carry all too often.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far