Friday, 9 June 2017

The Blind Man and the Model

The Blind Man and the Model ©
Michael Casey

Barry loved walking his dog around Queens Park it was near the Blind school, he taught there, helping other blind people find their feet. In fact he walked a variety of dogs around the Queens Park, there is a type of dog usually used by the blind, but there are a variety. So it happened that one day as he was walking an Alsation around the park he heard a damsel in distress, so putting on his best Policeman voice he shouted “ leave her alone or the dog will have you” As it was an Alsation and Barry was not wearing any shades the lads raced off.

Mandy was mightily relieved, thanks they were going to steal my handbag she gushed. Barry just smiled, he had been a knight in shining armour. Mandy kissed him on the cheek, it was only then that she noticed that Barry was blind. They sat on a bench and Mandy blurted out, but you are blind. Yes, I am replied Barry with a smile. But so were they, all they saw were Tony’s teeth. Mandy looked confused but Barry did not see it. Yes, so thanks to Tony’s teeth too.

What brings you to Queens Park asked Barry? I just do a bit of jogging to keep in trim, I have to look good for my work. I am a model. Barry reached into his pocket and put his shades on, so you are I did not realise without my shades on. He put the shades back into his pocket and Mandy looked into his unseeing eyes, she bit her lip and a silent tear fell.

Let me buy you a coffee Mandy offered, so they went to Simon’s Spoon the local cafe. Inside they sat in a corner and a chorus of whispers erupted, she’s so pretty, so absolutely pretty. So Mandy and Barry had their coffee. Barry swelled with pride, he had pulled a model, him and his dog Tony had pulled a model. Not that he said it, but it was very good for his ego though.

Well maybe I’ll see you again some time said Barry, as he headed back to the blind school. I’ll walk you back said Mandy impulsively. There was something about Barry that she liked, he had saved her and her Roco handbag after all. Most of all though she felt calm and at peace when she talked to him. Hard to explain but that was the truth of it.

Cheers, and yes I often jog in the park, so we may see each other again. When they both asked impulsively? Something had clicked between them, some say Love is a Surprise. A little old lady once told this Writer that, and it is true, always trust little old ladies,especially if they make the sandwiches at the Waterworks Jazz Club.

So Barry and Mandy started meeting in the park, Barry would have a different dog with him and she wore different coloured lycra and he sat on the bench and watched her jog, or so it appeared. Afterwards it was coffee at Simon’s spoon. Everybody in the cafe was amazed, she must be his sister or something. After coffee she linked arms with him and walked him back to the blind school before kissing him on the cheek.

The local policeman Nick smiled as he saw this, if only the blind man could see, Mandy was not just a model she was about to break into the big time as a model. Nick knew this because his boyfriend Dave who was a forensics officer had a major interest in fashion. Their flat above Baker’s Dough was full of fashion magazines as well as the aroma of fresh baked bread. It’s an aphrodisiac you  know, that’s why the pair were know as the Laughing Policemen in the force. But I digress.

Mandy unburdened her soul, and she loved Barry the more, he was such a good listener, she loved dogs too. It was such a perfect match, but he was blind, he would always be blind. She was in the Waterworks Jazz Club one night and got talking to the little old lady. Love is Blind, is more than a phrase you know. Mandy ran from the Jazz club tears streaming down her face. Just like Cinderella.

They carried on meeting in the park for six months, then after coffee at Simon’s Spoon she walked him home again. This time she held him tight in her arms and kissed him full on the mouth. The blind dog barked and wagged its tail. Barry may be blind, but he was still a man, so he responded as only a blind man can. Mandy had never ever been kissed like that, such tenderness, she wanted him even more now.

This process continued for weeks, then she had to go away for Paris fashion. Her heart ached, she had never felt like this before. The other models asked what was wrong, she explained. We have to meet this Barry they all said. It was London fashion week next, they could make a dash to Birmingham to meet him. So it was 35 models in lycra running around Queens park, Nick the policeman radioed for his boyfriend to attend. It really was an arresting sight. Dave collected all the evident and took 100s of photos for his collection and FB page. The models were more than happy to assist a gay policeman to expand his collection.

Afterwards everybody went to Simon’s Spoon, for water and coffee, old Simon nearly had a heart attack, all those A list models in his back street cafe. And yes the let him take selfies with them. Simon cried. Barry was calm in the mists of it all. The models decided there could only be one solution.

In fact there were multiple solutions, and Barry enjoyed all of them. They were married 3 months later. As you see, Love Conquers All, for a model loves to feel wanted as a person, and that’s what Barry did, he wanted her as a person.      


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