Wednesday, 28 February 2024

Love Bites on my Words, Singapore readers

Love Bites on my Words,  Singapore readers

I've just been looking at your figures

and the graph looks like vampire teeth

devouring my words

yes you could look at my figure too

wide fat and hairy with scars up both legs

to my naughty bits, then a pirate scar on my chest

then a hernia as big as my fist through my bypass scar

so appealing, as is my silver backed hairy back on left shoulder

see so appealing no need to see a video

or you would projectile vomit over the screen

sadly no more kids, Mathew Mark Luke and John

not unless God has a sense of humour 

and so does someone 

So a very big thank you

You are steadily wolfing down my words here

and you could beat USA with a Ping Pong Bat on the backside

Just like Trump and Forbes magazine if you remember

Tomorrow is Leap Years Day, my 36th Birthday as a Qualified Writer

or all of you in Singapore could just stay in bed

and make Indecent Proposals to your Man, a girl can ask 

as it will be Leap Years Day 29/2/24

make him read all my stories to you

or if you are alone

here's my voice to listen to

nearly 12hours of me

would that be enough

or too much

my best Benny Hill look

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Korean translation of Johnny No Friends

  Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far