Saturday, 3 February 2024

thank you Saint Anthony, and Singapore too

 Padua, sent a message today, much apreciated

and Singapore you continue to love me

well not me, how could you love a toilet

so it's just my words

and you read me while you are constipated 

and stuck on a toilet


yo estoy constipado


I have a cold

SO learn some Spanish

I am Sancho Panza after all

thank's again Singapore

feel free to come and feed me

like an animal in a zoo

a gorilla with a Rosary

in need of a Kimono

Sumo Size

I have to go eat now and find

a funny Kdrama

though Kim's Store a Canadian show is funny

about a Korean corner shop

Singapore has top spot by far on 2 of my Bloggers

BUT on this one, the main one

you need to triple your total to  beat USA

and takeover this Blogger

but you could do it in 60 days, by Easter

if you keep the reading rate this high

or you could just eat Cadburys chocolate

which is from Birmingham too

as is Lord of the Rings

and Peaky Blinders

with that I'll finish

or Finnish if you are Putin running away as everybody dies

Uncool dad of the  year 2015 with Clark shoes, size 10 extra wide by the way

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I finally got out of the house today after a month stuck inside, due to my back slipping out

I finally got out of the house today after a month stuck inside, due to my back slipping out I had to go to Post Office, the gas bill was du...