Sunday, 4 February 2024

The Good that you can do

The Good That You Can Do ©


Michael Casey


I was up in the night, as Tinnitus is my bedfellow, and after I had brown Hovis which was wonderful I said a few Rosaries, and let Totoro our cat out. Then I was thinking, most people never take time to think, but Tinnitus gives me plenty of time for that. How often do you think, think about it.


Then I sent yet another email to Moscow, a daily bread for them, maybe they’ll send Salisbury Perfume to me, CK1 is my standby, and Jeyes Fluid behind my ears. So I warned them I’d write this, and send it to them, then I went back to bed.


We all know the Evil that is happening in the world, too too much of it. So in the dark of the night, I mused what Good can we each do. Spread a little happiness, good deeds. Not done for self-gratification and spread on your Facebook. No, the real deal, where you do it like a Sneak attack in Kim’s store on tv. With Charity and Good Deeds the Left Hand should not know what the Right Hand is doing. Think about that too, the inner glow is enough, no need to advertise.


You can pray, that cost you nothing, so if you see somebody less fortunate, instead of just saying Poor Bastard, if you have even noticed, you can do a small small thing. Say a prayer, any Faith will do, and that will help. Maybe the next person, gives that beggar a sandwich, or God hears and the person picks a winner on the Lottery with his last 2 quid. Not Life Changing but enough to get him by. 

You can also pray for those who need it, so that in the Great Message centre in the sky, your prayers are collected and delivered to those I need. Prayer is like Perfume that is never wasted as Padre Pio says. And yes today right now, I have a family in mind, they could do with some serious serious prayers, so I’m not asking for anything but maybe a share of your Love of God for them.


A smile in time of need, a hug, a kiss on the cheek all these simple simple things do make a difference. They are the mosaic of family, of community, of God himself. I once met a girl on a coach and she said she was so glad I talked to her. Conversation breaks down barriers, and passes the time. But some people hate to do that, hence book stalls and newspapers at Train Stations, which is a pity. 

My small daughter does her reading on the train if it’s not too packed, people look over to see what she is reading, then they look away baffled. Degree Level Anthropology does that to the layman. Though her French is amazing, the teacher at University said with here eyes closed my daughter is 100% French to her ears, but if she peaks, she becomes Chinese/Irish, but I digress.


On this road that is life, we have chances to interact, or not bother. You can have a natter with a passer-by or the girl at the checkout. And yes I’m terrible for doing that. However, it is all these small interactions, or chattering cement that bind us. And Chattering Cement is a line from the first chapter of The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker from 1987 when I started to write it, so don’t steal it. And speaking of stealing, managers will steal your ideas, and even claim them as theirs. Customer Focus Training, does that sound familiar to anybody, maybe 30 years ago, but I digress.


Life is about choices, do you want to be a helper and a joiner, or a moaner on the side or even hide in the Concierge Room when things were too busy for you, anybody remember 20 years ago, but I digress again. Yes, I’m the guy who carried everybody for 10 years. The point is, find a niche and stick to it, you may never gain financially, or promotion wise. But it is your niche, maybe I should be Luca Brodsky the henchman, ok I’ll be a fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham instead.


You can be an encourager, Yes You Can cheerleader, without being a Pushy Mum, or an American hustler. I know Americans all need a Hero, a concept that is alien to me, but you can do it for yourself. No need of The Trump Self Help book, cost 99.99

All you have to be is organized, you cannot play sports for 40 hours a week and just 10 hours studying. I know you have Sports Scholarships over there, and people sell their soul to be on the team, where they are so selfish, so they can get those multi-million dollar endorsements. And boast they do it for their state, they do it for the state of their bank balance. Or am I being cynical.

Getting back on track, you the sports star, and yes maybe I should be a Sumo, though my backside is firm, and my twerking is so good Beyonce sends me hate mail. You can encourage so people can say, if that idiot can do it, then I’ll give it a try. So yes, I am that idiot, I really do want you all to have a happy happy life, and do the best for yourself. As my dad said, and we buried him 22 years ago this week, Do what you like but do your best. 

If you are doing something you love, you are never really working. My dad did 40 years in a steel works, like working in Hell itself, I try to follow his example of Love Encourage and do what you can for the least of your Brethren, then when your time is over you can look God in the eye, and say what you did, and all those least of the Brethren will welcome you into Paradise.



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Korean translation of Johnny No Friends

  Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far