Tuesday, 3 December 2019

Too tired almost to Type

Too Tired almost to Type(c)
Michael Casey

Well the Tinnitus won last night, then I had to walk and bus it to the doctors for a blood test, so I'm tired today. The cold made it hard to find a vein, so I've been pricked in both arms. Make your own jokes us there. I did have a nap, but I'm still the wrong side of tired. So hopefully a night's sleep will end my Zombie state.

So what do I do when the Tinnitus wins? Well I look at my phone, and try not knocking the music off accidentally. Trump is a constant search, he'll dominate the History books, for all the wrong reasons. I'm so innocent of everything, I'll prevent everybody from Testifying. If you were brought up with a Kerry mother his actions seem so appaling. But I'll leave him there for now, in his after the Queen afterglow.

So what else do I do when sleep won't come? Well there is BBC World Service to listen to, it can change your Life and Intellect. My intellect comes more from the BBC radio 4, which is the Home version, so to speak, than any school or University. You just have to use your ears. People use their eyes too much and it detracts from the information being imparted. I grew up as a Radio person, so normally I'll pick up on words and meaning, no I'm not Sherlock Holmes, but I'd like to be. I did read all the books as a child, but 30 years later when I tried to reread them I just could not regain the love for them. That's the trouble with life, you cannot always go back, so it's better not to try, otherwise the memory is ruined and you lose a part of your life's jigsaw.

You have to get in the right position in your bed, in the warm spot in order to get a good night's sleep. Post surgery 5 years ago I can only sleep in bed on my right side, before I was like a kebab, gently turning and rotating into any position. But I have no job to go to in the morning, I just sit here and write and watch my stats every day, seeing how many more bemused readers I have world wide. If sleep just will not come then I go downstairs and put our whistling kettle on, though the whistle has dropped off, which at least means I won't wake the house while I have a hot drink. Maybe Horlicks even, which as you know is a prostitutes favourite drink, And why will I drink that in the middle of the night with Tinnitus in my ears, well that could be another story, you'll have to write that for yourselves.

Sometimes  I'll even have some toast and Philadelphia with garlic and herbs to go with my Horlicks, a perfect proposition at 3 in the morning. Though I may not have enough bread left for the morning if I have toast in the middle of the night. And that's why my belly is the size it is, Hovis seeded sensation bread, as well as wearing 4 layers in the Winter. And some kind person sends me belly exercises,  there is only one exercise  for a big belly, but I'll leave that to you imagination too.

So by now, I'd be tired enough to sleep through the Tinnitus, and I'd go back to bed, it's like having Jingle Bells constantly playing in your head, but at least with a bit of ho ho ho, your belly fat should go.

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...