Friday, 20 December 2019

Getting Ready

Getting Ready

well you are reading Polish, Korean and Arabic here on Blogger today
you are a clever bunch, I just  used Google to translate for you.

Last night my Tinnitus led me to 


I was looking at Trump on my phone and a few stumbled clicks led me to them
They were doing a fundraiser on Utube
So God Bless them for their good works
and I hope they reach their USD 2m target
I got to sleep finally at 3.30 am
though I still wake every 2 hours

As for us we are getting ready for my big daughter's return home from University
where she is doing BioChem, so we have filled the fridge with MEAT
she lives with a bunch of vegetarians
So she craves meat, so the fridge is full ready for her.
I'm still listening to Harry Styles, he really is so good
I've got both albums on my music package

I just met an old lady friend, a friend who is a lady, not any other meaning
sadly she was burgled while she was in hospital for a triple heart bypass
So I know the good lord will reward them, all in his time

Our cat Totoro is bouncing around the house, I bet she knows big daughter will
be home tonight, so doubt she will spray her as soon as she turns up tonight.

What are you having for Christmas?
Me I'll be having my 2 front teeth
Just like in the song
Or rather an extraction at the back of my mouth
Maybe God is trying to tell me something 
Like eat less or lose weight
Bread is the main thing I eat lots of.
I am 252 pounds after all though, if I take all my jumpers off
I look only 200 pounds
Naked  I'm even more revolting
And you'd pay me to get dressed
Though I do hope...

I had the idea for What If in my head, then I put it down in the morning, yesterday
So I hope you like it
My readers, yes that's you, are all over the place reading my stuff in multiple languages on  my 3 Bloggers and on my Wordpress, so I'll thank you for a year of reading, they'll be more in 2020, though my Op on my lump on my chest may slow me down after that happens. But we'll find out together.

In a moment of madness you may want to buy my 18 books in my original English

and whenever you are ready Donald Trump you can review The 19th Hole my latest book, it'll be your first job after you resign. I'm waiting, are you ready?

photo is from 10 years ago, Flying Lessons

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5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy

5200 yes 5200 piece jigsaw of my mind here on the page You all make me happy I'm checking to see what you are all reading and you have m...