Sunday, 15 December 2019

A Christmas without Presents

A Christmas without Presents

A Christmas without Presents ©
Michael Casey

My mother stopped buying Easter eggs for us because they cost so much, she did have 6 children after all, I was 5 of 6 if you want my Casey Borg designation. She also told us that for Christmas back in Cromane Lower Kerry Eire, she might get an orange, or a hard boiled egg, she was 3 of 7 I believe, Timothy her little brother died aged 7 from Rickets. So she always had tears in her eyes as she told the tale and admonished us for wanting too much.

So what should we want this Christmas, or what do we actually need? Perhaps if Santa brought us working Nuclear Fusion, which would solved the carbon crisis and Global warming. Though it might be available already but Big Oil has locked it in a safe, they are not going to lose Trillions, instead we’ll lose the Planet. Some Politics and the Greed of Economics for you. And what do we all want. Well the 3rd world wants to imitate USA, or even the wealthy side of China. Everybody wants an iphone, designed in USA by an Englishman, and manufactured in China, then sold in USA, and to the new rich in China. Making the USA stock market grow so much, until a no trade deal between USA and China means China will stop using Google, first because of a ban, but then because China can go it alone. This is Trump Economics, annoy everybody until you kill the goose and the golden eggs.

But I digress.

So children are all excited because they can see him with a large bag, full of presents, coming up the garden path, dad is even dressed like Santa. He comes through the door and says HO HO HO, the kids jump for joy. The giant sack is opened, a balloon floats out, Happy Easter on one side, with an Easter Bunny on the other. The kids laugh nervously, dad is having a laugh. Then he takes oranges, big oranges out of his pockets. The children are deflated, the balloon is half deflated too.

Dad sits them down to tell them a story, you remember Irish grandma back in Kerry Eire? Yes, you’ve told us a 1000 times. I have but you know what she gave me most of all, she gave me Love, with a Capital L, so this year I decided to share that love. The orphanage is near where I work and I was asked to play Santa for them as I’m so big and fat. So I gave out all the presents, and I did have presents for you all, but in all excitement I gave out your presents to them. I left them to one side and I planned to take them home to you, but they ended up in the sack for the Orphanage kids. So the orphans got some really nice presents, and you got these oranges I stole from the Orphanage Christmas party food.

The kids, his own kids began to cry, but as they saw Santa cry back in return they stopped crying. Sorry Santa, I mean dad, we were being selfish, at least we got something, just as Irish grandma did. So dad stays dressed as Santa and Ho Ho Ho the rest of the day, until mother took him to bed, to give him her Xmas present. He in turn gave her a Xmas present, something for all the family to enjoy, a little brother that his daughters always longed for. Though it would take 9 months for him to appear.

Now God works in mysterious ways, in the pocket of the Santa suit there was a Christmas card, with a message stuck to it, you are the best Santa ever, can we book you for next year? As they ate their Christmas orange the kids noticed something stuck to the Christmas card, it was lottery ticket, Santa’s Reward was written in pencil on it. And yes they won millions in the lottery, and gave half to the orphanage. Did they have loads of presents that Christmas and thereafter? NO, because they realised that the greatest gift of all is a family, and Christmas should be about that, and not presents.

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