Thursday, 4 April 2019

hope you liked yesterdays piece

hope you liked yesterday’s piece

hope you liked yesterday’s piece.
my back was playing up for 3 days
and so it was nice to do a new piece
I never know what I’ll write
I just hope it amuses
Shades of Tom Sharpe I’d say, Wilt, Porterhouse Blue and all that style
My PhD friend introduced  me to him 30 years ago, there were even tv shows.
My computer takes 20 mins to boot fully now so it is on its way out
I have backed off my stuff ready for it to die.
I spotted SAR China reading me today, so feel free to send me a fast desktop to replace
the one which is about to die. The computers are all made in China after all.
I won’t hold my breath but all donations gratefully received, there are many many
rich people in China after all. You could even adopt me, now there’s an offer.
Stay Happy, and love what you an do. In my case writing stories, it is all I can do,
nobody wants me as a hunk. Is it the colour of my hair, I’ll never know.

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far