Sunday, 14 April 2019

Every Moment is the Best Time

Every Moment is the Best Time ©
Michael Casey

I was trawling through the papers and I spotted a couple of things, and that has led to this. Two were written by female journalists, am I allowed to say they are both really pretty or is Me Too still over reacting? The very phrasing I use condemns me, discuss. Both obviously are far far smarter that I’ll ever be too. The 3rd piece was about another great woman, Jackie O. Can you spot which 2 papers I was reading?

The point of it all is that there are special times in our lives. We have drams, if you are Scottish, or dreams for the rest of us. Notice how I added something via using a typo, ok, stay like a rock, a wall. Impervious to my words. Jackie O had everything but book editing gave her the most pleasure, she died at 64,which is very close to where I am now. I did read somewhere she was a secret smoker so that could have been part of it. My point though is that books gave her the most fun.

So if I go back to the other journalist she wanted so much to have a special time, she had planned it all, then her bloke disappointed her. Typical bloke you are all saying. I wanted to write a nice thoughtful piece today but I just held out my left arm and that simple action a few seconds ago has set off pain in my shoulder and neck. So I’ll pause and come back to you all, while I slap on the pain killer gel, Movelat, see I’m just as useless as that journalist’s bloke.

However it does illustrate the point, life can take a sudden turn, you never know what is just around that corner, a publishing deal hopefully, ok I do have to dream as I don’t drink drams. So you need to enjoy what is, treat every moment as if it is your last. Treasure everything. Mindfulness is a buzz word, but lets stick to plain English, if you are so busy trying to do too much, to fit it all in, Tuesday it must be Paris if you are an American. Then you may tick things off your bucket list but really you are not actually doing anything.
So stop and switch off the phone, stop taking selfies and live-streaming everything, because you are missing everything. Speaking with my photographer’s head on from 30 years ago, once you are behind a camera the angle is different, the experience is different. You may win awards for your snaps, but you have missed the event. Though I can also admit I was told to Join In, but I’ve been perhaps always the observer all my life. Does that mean it was inevitable I’d turn out to be a writer, however bad you may think I am.

You need to think whatever the situation I’m going to make the most of it, I may be the toilet cleaner, and I have been while at the hotel, you just have to put on a happy face. And remember to flush twice. If you have a grudge with life it will hurt you, so take the chip of both shoulders. If you can help folks along the line that’s good too. You need to connect at the right level to whom you are talking.

Harry and Opera are going to do a series but one observation is that is was announced with so much pretentious PR speak.

Now this is one way they could have made it in plain English.

If you are _ up, then you can do - all, so help yourself to be less - up, by - talking to somebody to any - body. Get it off you  - chest, then you will feel so much - better, and you can have a better - life.

You can insert your own strong words, but if Harry ran my paragraph against the Opera one with his Army pals, I know the lads would understand mine far far better. You only have one life, so enjoy it and help yourself to enjoy it more.

The reason why I use plain English in everything I write is that I want as many people as possible to read it and understand it. I have readers in over 60 countries reading my stuff in multiple languages. Yes not in millions, yet. So even though Google Translate will never be perfect,yet, it proves to me that the writing is understandable and perhaps well written, even in machine translation.

I got sidetracked then, which brings me to the other point, tunnel vision. If you really enjoy something you’ll even forget to eat, like the Korean gamers. With Korean girls being so pretty, I’d forget the gaming, but I’m just old fashioned. Before I forget the lads wrote a game for Atari 30 years ago, I think they got 10k for it, but never did another. A family friend in Osaka his son is doing a gaming degree, you can do them over there. By the  way my stories could be used as Gaming material, so Japan and Korea get in touch. I’m available to visit if you pay for 5 star everything.

Another point is devotion, to your God, to your family, to your clan. One minute you may be doing ceremonial dancing in North America or in Africa or Australia or New Zealand and I have readers in all those places, the next you are dead, totalled in a car crash. Life is so short, we all have a tenuous link to life, so all of us must say. I love you mum, dad, sister, brother, boyfriend, girlfriend, straight or gay or undecided, or just I love my dog.

Enjoy the moment, enjoy you day free of pain, you can always dream it never comes back. Enjoy falling asleep because you are so exhausted, and even the Tinnitus can’t keep you awake. Enjoy that 2hours or 90 mins of sleep until you awake like a clockwork vampire. My brother had a moneybox where the vampire hand came out and took the sixpence from the slot. That was over 50 years ago, I just remembered it.

Pain can destroy us and make us bitter and cranky, I don’t think I’m bitter, but I can be cranky until the Movelat painkilling gel kicks in. So you have to make the best of what you have got. You don’t have to be like the kid in the Elvis song, In the Ghetto. What you have is what you have got, so use what you have got. I used a  paper clip as a car and the mortar between the bricks was a road for the Leprechauns to drive on. Ask Derek McK if you don’t believe me, that was over 50 years ago.

People today expect too much, without the wanting to do the work to get there. Yes we all need opportunities, I had a play accepted back in 1989, 30 years ago. It could have become a cult like Rocky Horror. I’m not bitter. Bitterness destroys the soul, there is always Hope and Saint Jude, and even if you stay where you are cleaning toilets for a living, that is not what defines you. You define you, you make yourself happy, you keep yourself looking on the Bright Side. For the Dark Side is Death of the Soul.

Me, I dream my stories become cults in Korean and Japan and I tour surrounded by Kpop girls as I will be come the next Gangham Style but the fat silver haired writer in shades from BIRMINGHAM, the one in England. Only 116kilos, beat that Sumos!

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