Saturday, 13 April 2019

13th April 2019

13th April 2019

well I went for a walk today, down the hill and far away to the Polish shop for ham
Then I walked all the way back up the hill, or rather up a less step hill
And got home in time to hang out my knickers
it takes 3 hours to wash my knickers
or rather i forgot to change  the program on the washing machine

once my knickers were safely on the line I rested

I did not  realise how tired I was so I had to go and have a nap.

Thankfully the pain monster was not so bad today, though it will return it always does.

This is my life after all.

My girls aske where the family came from in Kerry Eire
So if you google earth you can actually see my mother's old place
or rather the porch which has its stones as decoration, mum's birthplace is gone
Go to Cromane Lower and look for the house with the telegraph pole and lamp outside
with swings for kids in garden, there is a blue boat on the beach nearby
You should be able to see the seat of all my power, right there in Ireland

Bring a tin of biscuits and say you know Michael Casey from Birmingham and
he'll probably bolt the door, or ring the Police ha ha ha
my cousin must be 40 now.

Today 13th April would have been our lodger's Birthday too he'd be 99 now
so say a prayer for him, as he has nobody to remember him, except me.  he's buried at the other end of Ireland in Killybegs Donegal, which is really beautiful too.

I may write something new tomorrow.  I always have ideas, and if I had a typist I could sit and dictate, or if I had software I could speak and the programme would write my words. Though I'd prefer a typist. Maybe in the future if I break the Japan or China market, those 2 countries were reading my stuff today on my Wordpress, Russia is reading my novel in Russian today as well.

So please tell Everybody and tell MZ on Facebook to give me a column, instead of printing fake news.

I'll finish for tonight, tomorrow is Palm Sunday so pray for my Health while you are at Mass.
Saint Jude is being very busy for me at the moment, so a big thanks to him too. 

where my mum was born , yes really 1920 Cromane Lower Kerry

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

Humour Writing by the fat silver haired writer in shades from Birmingham England read in 171 countries so far