Wednesday, 10 April 2019

Black Hole

Well the photo of a Black Hole  was revealed today.

So I watched a documentary about it on BBC4 tonight

Narrated by the old Dr Who Jim Capaldi, which made me smile

I also shed a tear at the end because it reminded me of 50 years ago

when as a child we watched the moon shot

so much time and space has passed

it may have also been the intense pain which caused the tears

my left shoulder is horrendous today as is the side of my head and face

like you dropped a concrete cross on me

this has been happening more often recently

so despite my steady as you go doctor's results yesterday

steady as you go and not getting any worse that is

though 3.8 cholestrol and being my size is very good

it must all be muscle or concrete inside me

Anyway Black Hole teaches us that science is good

though the Donald would say otherwise

that's what is so sad, i just hope people wake up soon in the USA

Science is the Future not building walls of ignorance

Lock Donald in a room with David Attenborough

Or is Donald just a Black Hole?

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Give Ukraine all the Frozen Russian money, Reparations for all the damage

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