Monday, 16 October 2017

Sunshine a Danny Boyle film worth a watch get it at your video store

Sunshine  a Danny Boyle film  worth a watch get it at your video store
just watched this film for the first time ever. worth a watch 7.5 out of 10
a bit confusing for me at the end but very interesting.

Strange day today, tired as I to go to doctors for bloods and that involved a 2 mile walk or 3.2k walk, which I managed but later in the day my Arthritis came out to play.

This is what's so frustrating, I cannot rely or predict from day to day or from hour to hour when the pain monster will put in n appearance. SO I cannot rely on my own body.

Hence some of the jokes/observations have a degree of pathos in them, if you know the background, otherwise the unwise reader thinks its just non PC. That's why we have English Literature or Structural Analysis, though really its a form of torture that English teachers put their class through, because they at bastards, the teachers or the class, you decide.

Words have meaning and form and as I write this  I remember I have a poem on the subject, so I may dig that out. With so much material I cannot remember everything, I just  prompt myself.

Events and observations or just the films I've just watched can add paraffin to the fire, and I have set a few fires in my time, which reminds me of other stories I can tell, and no I'm not an arsonist. People used to have fires in their gardens years ago.

I take a stroll in my mind or in the park or the street or through the Internet and what I see or music I hear brings forth seeds that I plant on the page. Sometimes  they grow into something that you all love, judging by he viewing figures, other times you guys are not interested.

But at least it gives a purpose and a hope to my life, and allows me to feel useful instead of useless and on the scrapheap. Though I still look sexier that George Clooney or is it Huw Edwards, so that's good as I walk down the street concentrating on trucking right as the 10CC song goes. That's at least until my Arthritis kicks in and I start to limp.

Well enough for today or tonight, I spotted the Philippines reading me right now so its either an early morning priest relaxing, or a future hacker, or maybe its the President swearing at the screen. I just don't know. It's all about imagination after all. It might even be Rupert Murdoch reaching for the phone telling his team to give me a  book and film deal. Though its probably somebody in the reception area of a hotel, a 5 star hotel relaxing. I used to work in a hotel for 3 years too.

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 Secret Service is it you? USA reading me a lot is it you guys in the parking lot forever waiting for the clowns to turn up the ungrateful u...