Monday, 16 October 2017

Writing in my head something from 6 years ago

Writing in My Head ©
Michael Casey

I started writing Tears for A Butcher and I’ve done one chapter and a few pages of the 2nd chapter. I have all sorts of ideas for this follow up to
The Butcher The Baker and The Undertaker but I’ve got lots of material for the finale and one or 2 other chapters, but I’ve not started on chapter 3 or chapter 4, I’m thinking it’ll be 12 chapters like the 1st book. Then I have a puzzle, should I write the book out of sequence and then stitch it together or should I wait for sequential chapters to form and then write it. There is the other problem though  problem is the wrong word to use, I don’t want to spend a year of my life producing more stuff until I leave the launch pad with my other stuff. I have 4 books on Amazon Kindle, very cheap and you can now borrow them via Amazon too.

It’s a bit  of a puzzle, I have enough material to write fully formed chapters, but should I do it this way or that? There are no rules, and if I got a few quid for my 4 “masterpieces” then I’d be encouraged   to strike the anvil, my dad was a blacksmith after all. What do other writers do, I’ll put this on FaceBook and see if I get any replies. I love my cast in my book, its exciting when I think of things they can do, I’ve decided to marry a few off in
Tears For A Butcher, it will be funny and full of pathos, but when will I have the time and push to do it, I never get writers block, quite the reverse. I have compromised and used blogs as a method of keeping the writing juices flowing, but I have reoccurring dreams of my cast, not real dreams but the stories want to escape me and dance on paper. If I could draw cartoons I’d be drawing them, there goes Mrs Murphy, here Big Sid, there’s the undertaker, I do envy cartoonists. That’s all I have to say, apart from this, coffee made with hot milk is so so nice. Goodnight everybody 

well that was 6 years ago, I'm still alive and the writing still fills my head, but will never reach my bank account. Yes Poland loves me, ok just my writing not me. But you still have hope beyond reason that one day you'll earn enough to afford to be able to move house. Its nice to see the map fill up with my conquests,the countries all over the world where my writing is popular. But why should people buy my books as the internet is free? I do rotate off my stories so you have to be quick to catch them. 1200 and more  stories, 1450 if you include repeats on my  sites.
My journey continues like Star Trek, I boldly go across  the Page, 3500 pages worth of stories.
Where I go and what I write I never know from day to day. Perhaps I need a Muse? Then I'll stay amusing you all. I may write a new piece later on tonight. I walked  2miles on an empty stomach this morning prior to my blood tests, then later Arthritis came a calling, its an invisible chain to pain.

Stay Happy as I said to a new "fan" of my writing on another site, the Interior Journey is the most important journey we make in life. And if Health is our companion along that road  then we are lucky indeed.  

Having a North Korean Army Girlfriend  too could be very explosive but fun. What did you expect? I have to blow a Fart at the end like Harry Secombe did, though he never farted, ask Spike Milligan you can Google both.

Laughter to the very end is my target.
Michael Casey  the Wise Fool

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