Sunday, 21 August 2016

When Will The Pain End?

When Will The Pain End? ©
By Michael Casey

Well I’m up again, I just could not sleep, the scars on my chest and legs are throbbing, and Arthur my arthritis has come out to play too. Two nights ago I had stabbing pains in my chest 8 or 9 in a row, not as bad as other times, which is not heart related, this time it seems to be below the shoulder socket or armpit area. Why am I telling you this, because if you think all I do is laugh all day then you could not be further from the truth, I laugh all day and Trump is still a billionaire.

In fact some days I’m in pain all day, just as Trump is nearly bankrupt if NYT is to be believed. The degree of pain varies too, it can be light or intense, getting off to sleep is a struggle until the pain is corralled out of the way. The irony is if I take my BP with the machine I have it tells me I have Ideal or Normal BP, so my heart has been fixed but the pain is an added “bonus”.

Reality and Hope are two different things, I may hope that the pain goes away but the reality is that it does not, so I get up at 2am and have a cup or two of green tea. It’s like hoping love will find you when in fact it always comes as a surprise, as the little old lady doing the snacks at the Waterworks Jazz club once told me maybe 25 years ago. So I’ll fill my cup again before continuing this conversation.

That’s better another cup of green tea, I have to be careful I spilt it all over my printer earlier today, but then the pain had not arrived, now it’s come out to play and it’s no fun at all.  I do appreciate the good days more than ever, just walking up to Aldi without any pain, a normal thing nobody ever thinks about, but when you have pain it’s another story.

Now let’s move on from all this talk of pain the school holidays are more than ½  over now so my girls are thinking about school again, my big daughter will be taking her GCSEs in this school year, Year 11 or fifth year as we used to call it. If she follows her dream to be a Doctor or MD as they say in USA she will have 10 years of studying before she gets there. I hope I’m here to applaud her and tell her that she will have a life of pain, fixing other people’s pain.

Before I go a big thank you to folks far and wide who are reading my words, I am told by Google Blogs which country you are in, I don’t know who you are or why you are reading my words, but thank you. If ever people buy my 10 books on Amazon I would use any royalties  to help move house, can you imagine the amount of books  my daughter will be reading to become a Doctor?

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